I had a Kershaw Cryo that broke recently (my fault, not a problem with the design), and before I order a new one, I'm looking for input. It must fold so I can carry it on-campus (folding knives are considered tools). Besides that I don't really have design preferences, although I'd prefer a non-serrated edge so it can be sharpened.
So, post your EDC knife or any recommended knife. Preferably under $40. Do it.
uh, you can sharpen serrations
Huh, only thing that attacks people on my campus is those mother-blam!-ing Waterloo geese. I swear, someone's going to snap one day and clean them out with a 12 gauge.
I think you can sharpen a serrated edge too, it's just a lot more of a pain to. And my EDC? I carry two knives on me at any given time unless i'm going somewhere they aren't allowed...three for the moment, since my girlfriend gave me one today. It's a toothpick compared to my others, but I still like it.
Modifié par Garland : 4/21/2013 3:29:45 AM[quote]or any recommended knife.[/quote]Any Spyderco; my current one is an old edition of the [url=http://www.spyderco.com/catalog/details.php?product=16]Dragonfly[/url]. [quote]Preferably under $40.[/quote]Oh. . . nevermind.
Benchmade 550HG Griptilian. If it's not in my pocket, I have either gotten there on a plane, or something is seriously wrong. It's a little above your $40 limit, but if I didn't have mine, I would save the extra to get this one back.