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publié à l'origine sous : What if Booker had made it to New York?
4/5/2013 11:02:26 PM
[quote][spoiler]Robert Lutece hired Booker to get Anna for Comstock (was the relationship between Booker's debt and Lutece ever explained?), and then hired him again to rescue Elizabeth from Comstock.[/spoiler][/quote] Umm, no. Lutece didn't hire Booker to get Anna. He simply offered a trade in which if he received the child (who was under orders from Comstock) he would wipe away Bookers debts. Booker had horse racing gambling debts and I'm sure Comstock would have given Silver or even Gold bars to Lutece in order to pay for the debt. Although Booker reaching New York is essentially impossible because it never happened before and wouldn't happen this time, if he did reach there I imagine Elizabeth would be at a sufficient distance from the siphons to create her own tears and kill off Comstock anyways.

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