[url=http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/03/21/rumor-next-xbox-will-require-that-games-be-installed-on-hard-drive.aspx]Source (Game Informer)[/url]
Yes, installing a game makes for better performance...but making it mandatory? Now that's just stupid.
They best give me a 1TB hard drive then.
I... really don't see an issue with this. I do this with my games anyway, so having the next gen of systems [i]possibly[/i] requiring it won't make my butthole pucker.
Modifié par Jim the Jew Lord : 3/28/2013 12:51:31 AMThis better not happen unless I get a massive harddrive with my Xbox and it doesn't take lone to install.
Internet Pro Tip: Never read a thread that begins with the word "Rumor".
I see no problem with this. Its really just about people getting butthurt about not being in control Scenario 1) Optional game installs to speed up performance Gamers: "YEAH RIGHT ON. THATS WHAT I CALL LEADING TECHNOLOGY" Scenario 2) System is designed to install all games to the drive to speed up performance. Installing games is mandatory Gamers: "WHAT THE -blam!-. MICROSOFT Y U FORCE US TO INSTALL DA GAMEZ??!!!"
Doesn't the PS3 do the same thing? I recall having to install MGS4 before it let me play it.
Well, this is what PS3 has been doing since it came out, and PC gamers have always had to put up with this. If it means better game performance and a quieter console and they ship with enough space to start with, I see no problem with this... aside from a lack of patience.
Doesn't seem that bad as long as a) the system comes with a good hard drive and b) like the PS4, it can be played as it installs. As for the idea that this would be the end of used games, that's probably not true. While a full installation may be required, nothing has been rumored suggests that this would be limited to one install per disc. One question, though. How much memory would the average game use? That's going to determine the definition of a "reasonable" size for a hard drive. A terabyte hard drive can be found for about $100. If you say the average game is about 50 gigabytes, that's about 20 games worth of storage, maybe 19 if you include space for system formatting, saves, DLC. I've never had that many Xbox games at once, so that doesn't seem too bad.
As long as there's lots of hard drive space to accommodate all these installs, I have no problem with this. In fact, it's what I do now!
Modifié par Pfhortnite : 3/24/2013 8:40:59 PMYeah, I just got a used Destiny game for 10 bucks off, now to wait 3 hours while it downloads! *3 hours later* "Unable to download used game" Dammit! *Gets new copy* *Downloads* *Takes up half of hard drive*
This isn't even something to be concerned about if it is true.
I think It should be optional [spoiler]SSD master race[/spoiler]
I just hope hardrives don't cost 1$ per gigabyte. It's ridiculous to have to spend so much on a hardrive.
If they release every model with a big HDD and make the install quicker I see this as a good thing.
As long as they start off with 500 GB hard drives I wouldn't mind it.
It took my Xbox 360 less than 5 minutes to download Halo 4's 8GB Multiplayer from the disc. This is not an issue.
I don't really mind installing games, as long as I can buy a disc to install it from. I have awful internet connection so I'd never be able to download games.
Meh, I install all my games to my Xbox's HDD anyways. Dem fast load times. And if storage becomes an issue, there's bound to be a firmware crack that'll let you drop in a bigger drive. You can jam a 1TB drive into existing 360s with some... modification.
Fine by me, as long as I can play the game without any problems.
Hmm. This must be part of there plan to make sure no one could possibly play a game without paying 110%, and to keep tabs on every single thing we do on an Xbox.
I have to do this on computer all the time and PS3 sometimes. This is not a problem.
Lol. I don't see why this is a big deal. If they're doing this then that means they'll probably come with big hardrives. Seriously I do this all the time with my PC.
You forgot to include some important information such as the fact that we only use the disk that has the game once to install it and the fact that the next Xbox consoles will have much larger harddrive than the current Xbox 360's.
As long as it ships with a hardrive that's actually worth a shit.
This is such a non-issue that it's not even funny.
We install games to play them on our PCs, don't we? Wait, no. That's wrong. We don't do that, so "OH MY GOD!" the world is going to end.