Wanted to start this by saying even if this place still recognises the term flood lol, I’m just another old fart coming back out of pure curiosity to see what’s going on these days in this forum and realising I’ve been a member for nearly 10 years.
I remember when I started posting here in 2015 (luckily had a halo account linked for reach so I got my own cool little emblem) and seeing all the halo vets (none of who’s names I can even recall anymore besides Sandtrap, Otis and Recon), only now to realise they are well and truly fossilised in the history of this forum and now accounts like mine are the oldies waiting to go the same way.
What I love is that when I logged back into my account on bnet I honestly expected a quiet forum with not much left going on but as our good old goldblum said, life finds a way. It’s uplifting to see new faces doing exactly what we did 10 years ago and as the halo vets did 20 years ago on b.old
There was not much a point to this post when I thought to make it and still not much a point now that I’ve neared the end of it, but with sentiment does there always need to be a point?
Once this post is all said and done I’ll prob log of and forget about it so for myself it’s almost like a timestamp for if I ever come back and look at everything as it was and what it might be in the future…
Keep on rockin on, dudes!
Woah you’re like a less old dude. Crazy