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1/13/2025 4:47:25 PM

Septagon 3.0 Alpha Testers Wanted

Howdy. I hope this is allowed here. No worries if not. I’m a web developer and long-time Bungie fan and I just pushed out the alpha test for forum software I’m developing that is essentially the spiritual-successor to the spiritual-successor of old BNet. You may have heard about the first version if you were around during the shift from old BNet to new: Sep7agon. The new site / forum is in no way finished and is still unstable and (obviously) under development, but I’m looking for additional people to test it while updates roll out (typically over the weekend). I find that having real-world people interacting and reporting bugs is waaaaay more efficient than trying to pretend like I’ll catch everything on my own. If you’d like to participate, you’re under no obligation to make bug reports (although I’d love it if you did). Just being around to increase the server load so I can see what happens with increased traffic over time would be enough for me :) The site is invite only for registration at this time. If you’d like to test / participate by posting, you can DM me an email I can send the invite to. If you just want to browse as a guest, that is ALSO helpful so no worries. Link: Features under development / where to request features: At the time of posting features under development includes: * Polls * Donation system * PM system * Groups (think subreddits) * Nameplates (think Halo Reach) * Coup (custom nameplate system) * YouTube Embeds * Quests and Trading * Search and Tags Cheers!

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