Cadmus Ridge Lancecap + Icebreaker = throw lance make crystal targeted ignitions
Rimecoat Rainment + Demolitionist Dead Messenger = waves of slowing
Rimecoat Rainment + Icebreaker= infinite ammo until bleak domain ends
Triton Vice + Winterbite= BFG forever
Alethonym + Blast Wave Striders = turbo charged recharge rate on Blast Wave
Helm of St-14 + Edge of Action = blinding gumdrops
Armamentarium + Navigator= Spider-Man as a titan
Two-Tailed fox+ Hazardous Propulsion and facet of command= self reloading all elemental artifact mod triggering rockets
Actium War Rig+Xenophage/Grand Overture=no reload dump all your ammo max DPS
No Backup Plans + all non Lord of Wolves exotic shotgun =go brrrrr
The three warlock melee exotic gloves + glaives=do I need to spell this out?
Wishful Ignorance+ Ergo Sum=strand titan doing the chicken wing dance in the air wearing woven mail
Feel free to add combos you know as it would be nice to get a thread set up for new players to see some easy to get combos that they can use for a lot of content. As veteran players we forget that new players don’t have the encyclopedia memorized yet and this might actually help other players get onboard instead of the responses about skill issues; we understand not knowing combos makes you less prepared but you can’t know before you are trained.
Hierarchy of needs/ticuu and hallowfire heart.
Monte Carlo paired with mataidoxia on warlock = infinite suspending melees which can also be used against barrier shields. Prismatic/strand compatible
Lol! Been playing since Day1... Have no idea what you are talking about. Sounds great and innovative.
Necrotic Grip + Thorn / Osteo Striga - spread the joy (Yes, I know that the Grip + Osteo combo took a hit, but it is still a fun combo to have on hand)
Some great ideas here Divinity+Cenotaph Mask=all the cage Aeons gauntlets w/sect of force+ Divinity = 30% weaken Gryfalcons Hauberk + Heartshadow = Ninja time Edge of Intent+Necrotic grips= plague doctor
This build kinda requires 2 people but is hilarious when it works. Requires an ally to pop Song of Flame for best results since being near them gives both radiant for extra DPS and drastically reduces your Thruster Cooldown. Microcosm + Hazardous Propulsion + Thruster Microcosm generates Hazardous Propulsion stacks extremely quickly + you can use it for solid DPS anyways. Thruster gives fast Class ability charges - literally goes to 3-4 seconds with Song of Flame. Lets you spam a rocket launcher shot for free wile doing microcosm dps. Literally the highest damage I’ve ever got on the Witness boss
Modifié par GradeMyGuardianTTV : 1/13/2025 3:10:50 PM[b]Void Titan+Vexcaliber[/b] . Easily my favorite set up in the game. The free [b]Overshields[/b] from [i]Vex[/i] allow you to forgo the [b]Bastion Aspect[/b] in favor of [b]Controlled Demo[/b] ([b]Offensive Bulwark[/b] is [b]ALWAYS[/b] a [b]MUST[/b] as it's dummy [b]OP[/b]). . What you're left with is the following: . [b]+400% Grenade Regen[/b] every time you have an [b]Overshield.[/b] . [b]+60% DPS[/b] to [b]ALL[/b] Melees anytime you have an [b]Overshield[/b]. . [b]Volatile[/b] Bashes & Grenades that detonate & clear entire rooms. . [b]Volatile Explosions[/b] that full [b]heal[/b] you & nearby allies. . [b]Devour[/b] to finish up the build via [i]Echo of Starvation[/i] for 100hp per kill & 20% of your Grenade per kill. . Crazy combo. Works across a number of [b]Exotics[/b]. . Here's my tops: . [b]#1.[/b] [i]Peregrine's[/i] . [b]#2.[/b] [i]Wormgod's[/i] . [b]#3.[/b] [i]HOIL[/i] . [b]#4.[/b] [i]Second Chances[/i] . [b]#5.[/b] [i]Armamentarium[/i]
Rain of Fire + Vex Mythoclast. Old but gold and still my favourite pairing in the game.
Modifié par nonchalantone : 1/12/2025 6:48:02 PMBeer+NFL Sunday+Wings=Ignoring the wife all Sunday Instant bliss.....! Seriously, great combos you listed!
Some of the different builds I have been trying recently. 1. Prismatic Void/ Nezarec’s Sin + Slayer’s Fang with Nightsworn Sight IV with Repulsor Brace. 2. Prismatic Stasis/ Rime-coat + Ager’s Scepter 3. Strand/ Wishful Ignorance + any strand weapon, but currently using Final Warning 4. Stasis/ Icefall Mantle + Tessellation and any Stasis weapon 5. Strand/ Mothkeeper’s Wraps + Ex Diris and any strand weapon 6. Arc/ Assassin’s Cowl + Rat King
Wintersbite & Karnsteins is fun. With Devour you can just wade right in and stay there in.
That cadmus + 4 burst pulse plus icebreaker combo I need to get that demo dead messenger though FN DISGUSTING Nice post. Thank you for these
Thanks I’ll give feedback on these combos in 7 years when I get all these exotics to drop