Last forum post ever for me. The ending was shepherd in by my first pvp match in a week. First game I'm met with 2 fireteams of 3 against us solos. Blow out embarrassing loss. That's the straw that broke my back. So long folks I'll reinstall and delete soon. But thanks all you kind guardians for sharing the experience 10 years alongside me. Have a good future and prosperous life everyone, Eazy-E signed off.
D2 players: "leave then, the game doesn't need you" D2 players when they see the player count : "why is everyone leaving?"
Empty your vault lol,it sure makes you not want to play.
Best wishes in your real life endeavors, fellow jaded Guardian.
Tale it easy man
Have fun and enjoy other games. 👍
Lag fest today for sure. Take care man.
Thanks for all the fish.
Peanut butter 🥜
I hear you. I'm the last one standing from my clan, have been for awhile. If I finally hang it up for good I'll have no regrets. I had a lot of good times with this game so I'll never regret playing it. Good luck on your new endeavors.
Memories kept the game alive for me for a long time. Today, it's the people I had meet and had a laugh with, but their numbers are fading. Take care!
Be Eazy, bro.. If you decide to come back for a minute, give me Holla, and I will help you catch back up...👊💪✌️
Cruising down the street in my 6-4. Memories made dude thanks for singing with me!
You don't have to leave the forums tho! Way more entertaining here!
Thank you for your service, Guardian. Good luck moving forward!
Good decision. Hope you stick with it.
There's absolutely no reason to play this game rn, pvp is toxic, pve is trash
Man I hope Destiny’s model going forward works better for them. Despite the mistakes of the past, I really do love the universe and enjoyed Final Shape
I'm not quitting , but after the way they ended the Eliksni Arc, I'm not giving them anymore money, not buying Heresy, Apollo, or Behometh unless they are really game changing I'm glad I didn't get suckered into the deluxe edition
You can always get free trials help on twitch.
Modifié par Vapor : 1/11/2025 8:41:34 PMMark it down ladies and gentlemen.
Can't tell you how many times I've matched "fireteams of 3" and they've been awful. Not to be toxic, but what is the point of these posts?
Lord shax says "I'd be right there with you if theses rookies could learn to fight!" The Drifter Says "Go throw taken at your friends." The Gunsmith says "Till next time" Commander Zaval although he has left us he said to be brave! Ikora Ray says "Be well" Ada-1 says "au revoir" And Eva Lavante says " if you came here for shaders you came to the wrong place!" 🤣😆🤣😆🤷♂️ Stay vigilant guardian!
Good luck to you👍👍
Be Eazy bro.