Oh Bungie, cruel and heartless company, Why dost thou spurn my every plea and cry? For years I've played thy games with unbridled joyous glee, Yet now it seems our bond doth surely die. It began with Halo, masterpiece grand, Where warriors clashed in cosmic fray. But as sequels came, I did not understand, Why you left Master Chief by yonder bay. Destiny arrived, promising delight, Universe vast for us to explore. Alas, my dreams were shattered in a single night, As RNGesus' scorn pierced my very core. With each DLC that's released anew, Bungie's indifference grew stronger too! My Trials of Osiris hopes turned to despair, My guardians fell before they could contend. While others boasted gear beyond compare I wallowed in defeat until days would end. Crucible became a cursed place Lag ruled supreme and skills meant naught. No matter how swift or righteous my pace Red bars reign, victories went uncaught. Yet on I pressed through raids galore Seeking solace amidst the strife. But even there Bungie showed me no more My loyal comrades, banished from life. Day by day my grind for loot so rare Believing at last salvation might appear. Alas! My efforts led only to despair, Endless dupes – no love drew near! So here I stand, forsaken and dismayed; Dear Bungie hates me; my fate is sealed! No amount of prayers can change their charade; Their icy hearts shall never be revealed.
Modifié par The Spoken : 1/11/2025 10:41:39 AMThe Spoken
😴 - ancien
Will you stop posting your wet blanket, whining about Destiny in the Offtopic forum? There's literally a forum for this. -
[quote]So, if any of you think this will be a waste of time to read,[/quote] it was a waste of time to write
Swat The Bot
Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation - ancien
You want the Destiny 2 forum. Also, the only reason people seem to be bored with this episode is because we got all the content on day one as per community requests. If Bungie didn't make this change and kept it as normal where the content is spread out over weeks and months, people wouldn't be so bored. The community only have themselves to blame. They asked for this, got it, and now they're complaining (as usual). -