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1/5/2025 7:06:06 AM

Constant disconnects. Code bee and guitar.

I keep getting these codes but my network connection is just fine. The constant getting disconnected is starting to get extremely annoying though. I'd if this seem to be affecting ps5 people more or not, but if yall can fix this, that would be great.
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  • Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. Guitar errors are, unfortunately, occurring at an elevated rate in some areas, such as the Pale Heart, and this is a known issue that the team is already looking into. [url=]Clearing your console's cache[/url] can help a bit in alleviating this problem, though. With respect to the Bee errors you're getting, these are an entirely different beast, and often indicate a significant network issue, which could be caused by your network setup, general bandwidth issues, or even a greater problem affecting your ISP. You can find more detailed info about these [url=]here[/url] and should check out our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] to explore potential solutions to the issue, but if these don't help, there's a definite possibility that there's a more widespread issue at play, which could be affecting many users -blam!- on your particular ISP.

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