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1/3/2025 1:21:33 AM

Constant Disconnects

Constantly see "Contacting Destiny 2" message while playing, eventually leading to Weasel error. No, it's not on my end/ my connection- as literally no other Internet problems on any other game, app' mobile device etc and the game normally works flawlessly, only started randomly having problems yesterday with absolutely zero changes on my end. Exhausted all the troubleshooting steps- resetting console cache seems to have actually made the problems worse.
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  • Hello Mathius, Thank you for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues when attempting to play the game. To try and address the connection issue you appear to be facing, if you haven't already, please try our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] and our [url=]UPnP and Port Forwarding Guide[/url]. When attempting the UPnP and Port Forwarding guide, please ensure that you are attempting each method separately. They should not be used at the same time.

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