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12/15/2024 5:47:34 AM

What is the deal with the constant reloading me into areas!?!?!

I will often hit a few quick public events to boost my glimmer now and then, and I've been getting error coded as I enter into areas, where suddenly the game tells me to hold on for a min, the game is reconnecting you, and then just reloads me into the same area, often times with the public event no longer happening. And it's not like it immediately drops me the second I land in the zone. I have been literally 3/4 of the way to finishing a heroic public event, and it just kicks my -blam!-. So it's not like I wasn't synchronized to the area I was playing in. Your server just drops my -blam!- for no reason. Sometimes it locks me into a black screen, where I can hear enemies and things happen around, my character is getting shot at and dying, but I see literally nothing. The screen never resets, I just sit there in the dark, dying... this just happened in the Dreaming City, trying to give a damn cookie to Petra. I loaded, took off to her area, got literally right to her, got kicked, loaded into a black screen, where -blam!- was just killing me, and I can't see a damn thing! How on God's green Earth have y'all managed to develop this game for 10 whole--blam!- years, but your servers literally don't "serve" their function. Bungie... to put as simple as I can... it's embarrassing. Fire Pete Parsons, use his money to rehire people that know what the hell they are doing, tell Sony to -blam!--cage the rest of the upper management/board members until they can learn to properly manage a company, and show everyone that you actually have pride in your IP.
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  • Hello there, Thank you for your report. We're sorry to hear of these errors you describe, as we can imagine how they may have impacted your experience with the game. If you haven't already, we recommend trying the steps in our [url=]Network Troubleshooting guide[/url] to see if it helps with the underlying issue. If these errors persist, then could you please share the names of the encountered error codes with us? Please describe the exact circumstances under which each was encountered too.

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