Dear Bungie and Folks,
Network interruptions I find very common in the "Divalian Mist" especially when there is a public event. Taking part in a public especially the one involving the "Taken" you are removed from the instance as a result of a Network Interruption and then placed in an area near the "Spines".
You are no longer continuing the event and no evidence of the Public event. Funny enough there was another guardian who spawned in the same area near the "Spines" perhaps suffered a Network problem as well. This is a problem I have been experiencing for several weeks .
I don't know if this is common to other players.
As mysterious as it is the Dreaming City, being interrupted by this Network nightmare needs to be addressed. As I mentioned the problem is very prominent for me in the Dreaming city's Divalian Mist.
Could you help?
Happened 3 or 4 times to me yesterday with other guardians spawning beside me. Very odd.
Me too!
This problem has been know for YEARS, but since they cant profit from the dreaming city anymore F... it all (Bungies motto).
Modifié par Hippo : 12/16/2024 3:22:34 PMThis issue has been around for years, tonnes of complaints in these forums about it and the fact a helper asked for video proof is just jaw dropping, reminds me of the landlord that asks for a picture of the hot water not working.
Hi there, Thanks for your report. If this happens again, please try to capture a video of the issue occurring. Once you have one, you can upload it to a public video hosting site like YouTube, and we'll be sure to take a look.