My solution for weapon grinding that allows crafting to exist and should make people happy if they want to feel the ecstasy of landing their perfect drops:
1. If a weapon drops with random rolls, it should have double perks - this increases the probability of giving you the roll you want and should reduce the amount of time spent grinding for a weapon roll. People want to play with the new toys because they change their gameplay. They’re not going to stop playing just because they finally got the weapon roll they wanted. They’re going to enjoy playing with it.
2. All weapons should be enhanceable, including random rolls of weapons that are craftable - right now, if you get the roll you want on a weapon that is craftable, it is irrelevant because that version cannot get enhanced perks. You have to get all the patterns and craft it to get access to enhanced perks. This lets you bypass the need to grind out patterns if you get the roll you want. Crafting exists as a true safety blanket, not the end goal.
3. Enhancing a weapon should let you choose the barrel and mag - this way you don’t have to be sad if you get the combo you want, but the barrel and mag make it trash. And if your concern is that this makes raid adepts irrelevant, they can still get triple perks and they have access to the +10 stat mods. They are still very valuable. But this makes more random rolls valuable and I think this is a better benefit for the community than keeping raid adepts “special”. And I say this as a hardcore raider that wants master raids to be more than just something you run once with challenges to get your seal.
4. If a weapon can only be acquired with random rolls, it needs focusing or attunement - grinding dungeon weapons (and tbh most weapons in the game) feels terrible, especially when armor you will instantly delete is diluting your loot pool. We need to be able to tell the game what we are trying to farm and what we don’t want to farm. And when I say attunement, I don’t mean 50%-60% chance. I mean like 80%. I’d also like the ability to tell the game I do not want armor in my loot pool at all. Especially now when everything will be obsolete in less than a year. But if we can get the other ideas on here, I’d be fine if this wasn’t implemented until way down the line.
[b]With this system, your random drops still matter. But you spend less time grinding for the new weapons and more time enjoying them and changing your gameplay. And crafting exists as a safety net for you if you’re particularly unlucky.[/b]
I genuinely believe this is a reasonable solution that everyone can be satisfied with. We just want to enjoy the game. A rewarding loot system feels good and makes people happy. I would like to know what the problems are if this poses any.
Modifié par cryptic_king_241 : 12/7/2024 12:54:19 AM1. Yes. This way, even with their precious prng system, their psuedofix might not seem so fake. The only fix I think they made was they reset the seed # part but kept all the control stuff that makes it non-random. 2. I'm guessing it's a coding issue on their end considering you can make its pattern extractable which may conflict with the craft table. 4. When act 3 comes out I hope they come out with a tonic that eliminates armour drops for the exact reason you gave. Attunement would be nice though, at least until they get it through their heads that psuedo-rng is not rng. The moment you add a control to an rng process it is rigged, randomizing needs to be the final step otherwise there was zero desire to randomize it. The description given on the prng process actually reminded me of a game I used to play, the differences to this game were: - it wasn't a secret because the player set the seed through name choice and gave you a classification id based on your name and each classification had its own loot pool - the way they balanced that is it had trading enabled (unsure)