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Destiny 2

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12/1/2024 9:05:32 AM

Iron Banner armor and momento is trash. So could've done better Bungie

Iron Banner armor for all 3 characters is garbage I don't like NONE of the armor sets. It would've been better if u just created an ornament that made the set of armor be on fire after getting all pieces to the set in each set. Y'all say that y'all are still putting all u have into this game and that y'all are still enthusiastic about still working on destiny 2 but it is not showing. Y'all definitely could've came out with a new set of weapons as well but NO u just wanna put as little effort u have to to just rework perks on old weapons or just band aide it with a new element and believe that that's ok.. well it's not and u probably be better off just reworking gambit cuz at least that mode seems to be better than trials or iron Banner these days .. and to think iron Banner used to be my -blam!- I couldnt wait for it to roll around once a month and get the hottest new weapons and armor and to see what iron Banner was gonna bring this week but now I'm just disappointed and y'all should be ashamed of yallselves for lying to this toxic -blam!- community bout being excited for the new frontiers. If they're anything like what's going on in these dry -blam!- soap opera episodes then destiny isn't the game I used to luv playing. I used to have people to raid with and run trials or iron Banner with but this community has become so toxic over the dumbest -blam!- and just like in the government today always somebody trying to keep a mutha -blam!- down NEVER BUILD THEM UP HELP JUST CAUSE HELL U KNOW U THAT GOOD SO IT SHOULDNT MATTER WHO U HAVE ON UR TEAM AS LONG AS THERE IS COMMUNICATION AND CALL OUTS AND AS MUCH KNOWLEDGE AS ALL OF US KNOW PUT TOGETHER WE COULD PROBABLY BE THE BEST GAMING COMMUNITY CUZ I GIVE NO -blam!- WHAT U SAY NOBODY KNOWS EVERYTHING CUZ FOR A FACT WE ALL LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERYDAY THAT U DIDNT KNOW PRIOR SO... IF U THINK U THE -blam!- AT TRIALS, IRON BANNER, RAIDING, GRANDMASTER NF THEN PUT THAT -blam!- TO THE TEST AND TRY HELPING UR FELLOW GUARDIANS GET THAT GUN OR ARMOR FROM THE RAID OR GO TO THE LIGHTHOUSE A FEW TIMES. AS LONG AS THEYRE ARE WILLING TO LISTEN AND TAKE DIRECTION IT SHOULDNT BE A PROBLEM IF U THINK UR AS GOOD AS U THINK U ARE OR ARE U JUST AS GOOD AS THE SWEATS U PLAY WITH?? AND HALF OF U TRIALS SWEATS ARE CHEATIN MODDIN -blam!- AND AINT NO WAY U NEVER DIE OR U SHOOT ME B4 I EVEN SEE U. THE ONLY WAY THAT IS POSSIBLE IS UR EITHER WALL HACKING OR U HAVE AN AIM BOT EITHER WAY UR STILL TRASH CUz U HAVE TO CHEAT TO BE GOOD WHILE THE REST OF US HAVE GOOD EXCUSES TO Y QWE DIDNT DO THAT GOOD THAT LAST MATCH IS BECAUSE WE'RE JUST GETTING OLDER AND OUR HAND EYE CORDINATION AINT WHAT IT ONCE WAS BUT AT LEAST I NEVER HAD TO CHEAT AT A GAME TO DO GOOD IN IT. IT IS FUNNY THO THAT MICROSOFT AND SONY WILL BE QUICK TO BAN ME FOR LIFE FOR A GAMERTAG THAT THEIR SYSTEM ALLOWED ME TO USE. UT YET HAVE THEY EVER DONE ANYTHING BOUT CHEATING MODING -blam!-!! THAT MAKES NO SENSE.. SO UR SYSTEM ALLOWED ME TO PUT IN AND USE SAID GAMERTAG BUT I GET BANNED FOR LIFE MEANWHILE WHEN SUMONE MODS THEIR CONSOLE OR EVEN CONTROLLER UR ALGORITHM SHOULDNT BE ALLOWING THEM HAVE ACCESS BUT IT DOES BUT UR TELLIN ME THAT U DONT KNOW THEIR CHEATING?? I CALL UR BLUFF CUZ THATS A CROCK OF -blam!- IF IVE EVER HEARD IT .. BUT YET THERE WILL STILL BE THE DAY ONES LIKE MYSELF THAT STAY PLAYING DESTINY HOPING THAT YALL WILL GET BACK TO UR ROOTS AND ACTUALLY ENJOY CREATING REALLY GOOD CONTENT FOR THIS GAME WE USED TO LOVE. CUz that's the only reason I still play destiny cuz I've put in to much time effort and damn sure enough money to stick around and see if y'all can't actually do better by us UR PLAYER BASE BECAUSE #BUNGIE YALL WOULDNT BE -blam!- IF IT WASNT FOR US. CUZ YALL DIDNT PAY FOR HALO 1,2,3 ODST, 4 DESTINY, DESTINY 2 YALL GOT RICH OFF OF US SO IT SHOULD BE TIME TO GIVE BACK TO THE ONES WHO MADE U. YALL ARE LIKE SO MANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS YALL FORGET WHERE THE -blam!- YALL CAME FROM. YALL FORGET US LITTLE FELLOWS ARE THE REASON U ARE WHERE U ARE. REMEMBER THAT -blam!-.. AND TO THIS COMMUNITY STOP BEING TOXIC LITTLE WHINNY -blam!- AND GROW A PAIR A BALLS. GETTING UR -blam!- HURT OVER A NAME OR CUZ SOMEONE DOESNT AGREE WITH U JUST RUN SUM VAGASIL ON THAT -blam!- AND ITLL BE OK BUTTERCUP...

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