Over 30 IB matches and only 4 armor drops! Is this for real? Is this whole episode about “grinding” !?
Had 90 at one point to get my helmet a couple of seasons ago
All drops from IB Should be IB weapons or gear. Pinnacle from reward track should not drop 3 yr old season world drop gear or weapons. Open 10 engrams 1 piece of gear rest are weapons. It’s disgraceful.
Got to Saladin and open your engrams, NON FOCUS, I got ALL 3 Intent Armour sets this way.
Just open iron engrams I got the whole warlock set with 5 engrams.
The armor drops from IB game wins or game completions is almost zero. Your best bet is to grind for engrams and then simply open them at Saladin (non-focused opening). Those drop new armor pieces fairly generously.
I got all the Armour in less than an hour, which is typical for my accounts RNG.. which goes back to the first iron banner days.. not sure why.. weapons on the other hand.. meh.. I need to grind the whole I.B to get everything.. and then hopefully 1 is a keeper. I feel like when we first made out Guardians.. we had a RNG baseline assigned.. its different for everyone.. and that baseline is also RNG.. the restnof the RNG just increases your odds.. It makes sence.. in life, some people just have more luck than others, naturally
34 iron banner matches for 1 x head, 1 x chest, 1 x class item.
Nope, got a full Titan set, and most of the Hunter set, post-game and challenge drops
I haven't gotten any drops, and only about five engrams all week ... it's terrible.
Yes, everything they've done this episode has been to "increase engagement" by perk weighting (accidental my a$$), low IB armor drops, removing crafting, seasonal pinnacle grind, the list goes on. I'm beyond disappointed with this episode so far. It all reeks of lowest possible effort - recycled seasonal content anyone? I'm willing to bet the act 3 exotic mission is just gonna be an old exotic mission with revenant scorn instead!
People complained about the Iron Banner mini quests we used to have, but at least by the time they were done we had all the armor.
I was mainly only getting Anonymous Autumns as drops from iron banner. I only got iron banner weapons when I focused engrams [i]for [/i]those weapons, and I only got armour when I handed in engrams randomly. What is the point of having weapons and armour for a specific game mode when they don't drop from playing that mode. If I do a raid, I do NOT expect to get gambit gear, so why are we not getting iron banner gear from iron banner as drops?
Modifié par coda-jj : 11/28/2024 7:52:18 PM
You think your luck is bad? 1, yes ONE, armour piece from 18 matches. EIGHTEEN!!
Have the entire Titan set, and got the helmet, arms and cloak my first 3 matches on Hunter It is dropping, your just having bad luck with RNG
I have only played enough to get my weekly challenges done over the past two days and I have all 5 pieces already. I think you are just getting unlucky.
Most of mine dropped from engrams at Lord Salad
Just missing the helmet. But then I noticed there isn’t a little bonus like the old armor so just a checklist for me