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Destiny 2

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Modifié par TuxyDoh : 11/24/2024 7:24:08 PM

(fan grimoire entry) The old wolf and the young raven

(this is a story idea i had after replaying the entirety of Destiny 1 and some of 2's campaigns so enjoy this work of fanfic around a iron lord and a house devil hatchling that survived the sivia crisis, apoliges if spelling is off i tried my best to correct it with autocorrect and a lot of googling but with dyslexia this strong its inevitable something slipped through the cracks) The sounds of wood creaking as a old iron lord shifted his weight on the floor of his kitchen making tea for him and his Eliksni daughter, he watched closely wile his dawn blade held the flame warm for the water. a mixture of a metal thud and a boot fall on the floor behind him gave way to a warm embrace from his daughter Emma Silverfang her siva enhanced body from her time as a hatching from the former house devils perfection cult leaving her as one of the few who live in the city still with the now dormant siva apart of her. "i have everything ready to study with Miss Eido." Emma said excitedly. "exelent" said the old wolf pulling the kettle over their cups to allow the tea to stoop for their parting drink. "i cant find the words in the countless worlds to express my pride in my young raven." he turns to face his daughter cups in hand smiling through his exo frame's damaged plates. his green glowing eyes reflecting in hers reminded him of when he first met her during the siva crisis, he saw the hatchling cry out in fear as the siege engine fell to the hands of the lord guardians abandoned out of panic by low ranking devil splicers. despite lord saladin's orders he could not push himself to harm a creature so young in its life, so he smuggled her into the city and took her under his wing, and slowly through some bribery of the guardian to utilize outbreak perfected to create new parts to replace the old ones she grew out of to keep up with her growth. he couldn't be more happy with disobeying that order than any other. "dad" Emma called out shaking the old wolf out of thought, "will you be able to visit me during my studies?" "of corse" he responded sipping on his warm tea "ive been around for so long that i have plenty of room to have a few exceptions made for me to say hello every now and then" he smirked remembering the now banned practices of the old warlock orders. "hell if i can remember how to utilize the technique of a viking funeral i can slip through the red tape no problem." his daughter smiled the scars of siva still marking her face with a nanite cluster acting as a eye it flickered for a breif moment as she pondered her future as a scribe. "i cant help but wonder what it was like back in the crisis i keep reading about around the time when you found me. i dont even know the house i came from or why some of my peers get nervous around me." the old wolf's mood soured at the mentioning of her house knowing this day would come he swallowed his drink and braced himself for discussing the past. "you came from the house of devils... specifically the siva cult." her gaze locked to his attentive as her cup slowly touched the tables surface the old wolf's voice filled with the sound of pain as he spoke again. "i had orders to wipe out the splicers in the plaugelands after the iron tomb was sealed to prevent the now named house perfection from rebuilding it again." "during the raid on the siege engine and who knows where in one of the war mind vaults that held the leader of that house." "thats when i found you abandoned in a pit when your fellow splicers fled when it fell down and was destroyed, i couldint bring myself to hurt you when i saw you for the first time." "so i went against saladin's orders and took you in as my own" silence filled the air between them as she took in the truth of how she came here filling in the gaps with a shocked gaze. "my little raven... im sorry i didint tell you sooner i-" "no" Emma interrupted don't be sorry you did the right thing keeping it hidden from me till now. she climbed out of her chair and huged her father being happy she is even in the city in the first place. AD3N the ghost of the old wolf chimed in "im sorry to interupt but you need to be leaving in 10 minutes to make it to class." "ah yes" replied the wolf "before we take you though Ikora sent a gift for you." "a gift?" said Emma confused by the idea of a vanguard sending gifts to the cityfolk the old wolf pulled a ornate wooden box out from a closet and presented it to his daughter Emma opened the box carefully revealing a elegantly crafted robe combining Eliksni and warlock culture into a wondrously designed outfit "it was made for you" "lets get you ready for class im sure Eido would love to see you wearing something like this" he said with a smile "She most definitely will!" responded Emma as she takes her new robe into her arms and heads to her room to prepare Ad3n and the old wolf look at each other with a moment of privacy "are you sure she will be fine going out into public like this?" asked Ad3n "of course she will." replied the old wolf "she has us to protect her and she knows how to avoid trouble." soon they watch their little raven Emma head off into the streets towards the market district to start her own path watched over by guardians old and new [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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