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Modifié par BNGHelp8 : 11/16/2024 6:02:05 PM

Introducing the new Titan aspect: Knockoff

The [b]Knockout Titan[/b] aspect is lowering your [b]uncharged[/b] melee damage by about [b]10%-ish[/b] currently not increasing it by [b]100%[/b] I noticed this when my normal punch did kill but a punch downgraded by [i]Knockoff[/i] leaves the same enemy type and tier at a sliver of health. This has been like this since the new buff that the [b]uncharged[/b] melee on [b]Titan[/b] does more damage then [i]hunter[/i] or [u]warlock[/u] basic melee.

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