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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
10/24/2024 4:21:46 PM

Alfa clan looking for active members Welcome to All Light Fades Away [ALFA] All Light Fades Away is a teaching clan dedicated to guiding Guardians of all levels through Destiny 2's challenges. We focus on building friendships and helping each other out regardless of the activity or time-zone. We all have our quirks, but that just makes it more fun to play with friends. Come be part of our family. What we offer: • Welcoming and inclusive environment for all players, new or veteran • Scheduled events with patient instructors ready to walk all content regardless of skill level. • Random pop-up raids with in house LFGs • Regular giveaways to keep our active members happy • Tons of info and tools for new and veterans alike • A well-maintained boosted Discord server designed to help you out with your journey in Destiny • As you can see, we focus mainly on PvE, but we have the occasional PvP tournaments where clan members can compete with each other • In house channels for all streamers with auto post from social media sites What we are looking for: • 18+ Mature and helpful clan members • You need be active on Discord and in Destiny 2, ready to smash through new content • A working headset and microphone • Register with Charlemagne • Above all else, a willingness to be social and play with your clan members • We're also open to welcoming more sherpas aka Wizards, our special tier of guardians who mentor others through content. Ready to join the All Light Fades Away?

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