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9/23/2024 12:31:53 AM

My quest cannot be completed.

I did "Choir: Eternal" like 20 times in Encore Expert mission but that thing not changes... I did act 1/2 quest before even start act 3 or exotic mission but still i cant finish that quest. in case anyone asks, even though that mission is first chest i completed 20+ times in Expert mode with all secret chests.

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  • Modifié par Karrik__ : 9/23/2024 12:49:55 AM
    I had the same problem. I progressed thru act 3 far enough I think to step 18 or so, and I had 1 chest I that I didn't open yet. Should be able to do encore on normal, but make sure you activate the 1st chest with the 4 box room near the start. After that I would think there is 1 chest you haven't opened yet, maybe you have, but act 3 progression has to be far enough to get credit. Hope that helps. To add I realize you need the 1st secret chest but something got messed up. Maybe you did encore on expert before you had the quest, or didn't open the 1st secret chest, Or didn't play a week where the act quest progressed. I think there is something with the act 1, 2, 3 progression if you try to get caught up now, you have to be progressed far enough into act 3 and open any missed chests

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