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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
9/14/2024 5:03:23 AM

AOV New clan building and recruiting

Are you tired of playing games alone instead of with friends? Tired of missing out on in game activities due to not being in a clan? Need help mastering and achieving event goals? Want to learn new ways to play your favorite games or how to beat certain levels? What do we offer? I'm glad you asked, ⁍ Real life comes first: In AOV we don't expect you to put video games or the community above your IRL commitments. Real life always comes first. ⁍ Structure/Organization: We use ranks to recognize the service and time enlisted members have given us and to also differentiate enlisted and officers. ⁍ Friendship: We want you to find your forever home with us. We aim to be a community where can all be friends no matter our background. ⁍ Events/Activities: We host different kinds of events and activities for all the games we support. Participation is always encouraged but not required. ⁍ International Player base: We also accept people from across the world so that no matter where your from or if you are a night shifter you always have people around to game with and talk to. ⁍ Community: We are a multi game and multi game community. ⁍ Raids/Dungeons: We offer a program to help teach people raids and dungeons. This is not a carry service, we do actually teach the mechanics and let you do them as well. Requirements: ⁍ 18+: We are an adult community for many reasons and it is a non-negotiable requirement. ⁍ Discord activity: Discord activity is how we track how active someone is in the community, 1 post every 30 days is enough to keep your activity refreshed. Being inactive for 30 days may result in a kick from the community. ⁍ Language: We may be an international community but being based in the U.S. English is the primary language for the majority of our members, knowing enough to effectively communicate in a voice channel or text chat is more than enough. ⁍ Socialization: This ties in with discord activity, we are a social community and are not for those who wish to stay solo. If good people, good games, learning experiences, community events, and socialization sound good then come on in and join us

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