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Modifié par skibidtybop : 8/5/2024 2:17:48 AM

Quick and simple buffs for Titans that don't involve major reworks

Simple: give them more fragment slots in their aspects and undo prior nerfs to them. It's really that easy until they get the complete rework they desperately need. Things like Knockout, Bastion, Offensive Bulkwark, Juggernaut, and other two-fragment Titan aspects should have a 3rd fragment slot. Giving Titans the ability to get an extra +10 stat points in PvP (because let's be honest, that's all people use them for) or the ability to make a slightly better PvE build will not break the game, or even substantially move the needle on their power. It will be a nice bump in usability without altering too much at once. And things like Knockout should have their prior nerfs undone. I don't see why this is such a problem for Bungie to undo nerfs to revert them to their past states and admit they made a mistake. We already know how powerful they were in the past because that used to be the status quo, so it's not like it'd be an unknown factor. Remove the dumb, major HP nerf on Knockout kills that it got at the start of TFS. Make it count as a powered melee again, because it [i]is[/i] a powered melee, and the so-called "punch class" should be good at punching. Letting it generate a single orb of power on a melee kill isn't gamebreaking lol. If things like Threaded Specter get three fragment slots, then Knockout and other two-fragment aspects absolutely should, especially when you're practically forced into it because the other aspects frankly suck.

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  • You think knockout got nerfed ? It used to just start health regen (which could immediately be stopped if you took damage) but now it gives a chunk of health in one go. That is a buff, my guy. The bonus melee damage granted by knockout also got buffed from 25% to 50% I'm a Warlock main but I regularly play the other two classes & I really don't get all this doom & gloom about Titans. Do they have the most limited Prismatic kit ? Yes, but their transcendence grenade is the best grenade & transcendence Consecration spam is low key the most powerful thing in the game. Also doesn't Hazardous Propulsion allow for one of the highest burst damage builds out there ? Maybe I'm missing something here but I honestly don't see Titans as needing major reworks or sweeping buffs.

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    • [quote]Simple: give them more fragment slots in their aspects and undo prior nerfs to them. It's really that easy until they get the complete rework they desperately need. Things like Knockout, Bastion, Offensive Bulkwark, Juggernaut, and other two-fragment Titan aspects should have a 3rd fragment slot. Giving Titans the ability to get an extra +10 stat points in PvP (because let's be honest, that's all people use them for) or the ability to make a slightly better PvE build will not break the game, or even substantially move the needle on their power. It will be a nice bump in usability without altering too much at once. And things like Knockout should have their prior nerfs undone. I don't see why this is such a problem for Bungie to undo nerfs to revert them to their past states and admit they made a mistake. We already know how powerful they were in the past because that used to be the status quo, so it's not like it'd be an unknown factor. Remove the dumb, major HP nerf on Knockout kills that it got at the start of TFS. Make it count as a powered melee again, because it [i]is[/i] a powered melee, and the so-called "punch class" should be good at punching. Letting it generate a single orb of power on a melee kill isn't gamebreaking lol. If things like Threaded Specter get three fragment slots, then Knockout and other two-fragment aspects absolutely should, especially when you're practically forced into it because the other aspects frankly suck.[/quote] I can't comment as far as playing on a Titan but I can tell you in PvE built right, Titans are a menace. I ain't complaining but in Grandmasters they are bullying the mobs

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      • Nerf Locks and Hunters - #ProbelmSolved -Bungie.

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      • I just want my bonking hammer brought back as a insta use again. I’ll still accept the nerfs that happened to restoration and sun spots.

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      • Unfortunately I think the time as gone. Bungie sounded like it's comming to the end. Bungie doesn't care about the titan class and now it's lack of variety especially in prasmatic that bungie doesn't care about

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        • Rebuffing only comes to fruition for the Hunter classes, exotics or abilities.

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        • Rebuffing only comes to fruition for hunters 😉

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