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Modifié par N7-Replicator : 7/26/2024 2:41:05 AM

How I would make Titans Great Again

Hi, many of us already know that Titans have fallen behind of the other classes. Bungie is aware of the issue and is looking to buff titans and I would like to give some ideas. I'm not looking to completely overhaul the subclasses but to add some functionality to some aspects and abilities that have fallen behind. So here's my list on how to improve titans without breaking them. Solar: Honestly, I think solar titan is mostly fine. The one thing that hurts is the cooldown on throwing hammer. I would remove the cooldown when picking the hammer up and in turn reduce the damage it deals against bosses. That was the main issue with it when it was nerfed. Edit: Hammerstrike deals increased damage to scorched targets. This is to increase its value against throwing hammer. Void: The main problems with void titan is the lack of ways to refresh overshields, unbreakables lack of synergy and shield throw. And Ward of Dawns nerf is pretty bad. So I would make the following changes. -Shield throw has a second charge to increase its value, Second chance exotic now regens melee energy on hits instead. -Offensive bulwark refreshes overshields when killing targets in addition to previous functionality. In PvP maybe reduce to total amount of overshields if this proves to be a problem. -Unbreakable synergizes with aspects and fragments more. Lets say it could weaken, apply volatile through them. I would also add suppression to it when using suppression grenades, scatter grenades would send scatter munitions after the blast and void wall grenade would send walls of void flame in three directions like drengrs' lash. Some other grenades could also change the behavior of unbreakable but these are what I quickly had in mind. -Ward of Dawn has slightly increased armor of light and would regen overshields faster when outside and near the bubble. Edit: putting this here since its mostly about void titan. -Increase sentinel shields damage. The super is good in add clear but falls behind on damage a little. -Twilight arsenal is already getting a damage buff but I hope it also affects the spawned axes damage too. Give some dr when wielding the axe since if it has any, it certainly doesn't feel like it now. And can we have only a timer on the axe? I get the timer for pvp but why add both timer and ammo? Slightly increase the timer and remove the ammo from the spawned axes. Arc: Some quality of life changes and damage buffs to supers mainly. Add functionality to juggernaut aspect. -Fist of havoc has increased damage, reduced attack cost (5% light and 10% heavy), makes you amplified when cast and would benefit from its speed boost. The amplified speed boost would also work with hunter arc staff and warlock storm caller. Heavy slam has the ballistic slam animation, range and speed. -Juggernaut would regen super energy from super kills when using fist of havoc similar to previous bottom tree arc in addition to current behavior. In pvp this effect is reduced. -Ballistic slam now jolts targets and no longer gives bonus super energy. -Thundercrash has increased damage (50-75% propably), travels further and has a lower cooldown (same as twilight arsenal) but retains the lower damage resistance. Stasis: Recent changes were pretty much a nerf to Behemoths imo so I would revert some changes. -Regain damage resistance by being near crystals, would apply the largest dr of frost armor. -Increase the cap of stasis shard generation to 16 (20 with rime) and frost armor now decays over time like armor charges instead of fully going away. Don't even know why this wasn't a thing right away. -Cryoclam changes reverted. (Personal opinion mostly) Strand: In a good place overall but I would change flechette storm a little. -Flechette storm is now anti barrier since it is already unraveling. Meaning you could destroy barrier champions shield with it. Edit: Drengrs' lash buff. Abeyant leap feels almost mandatory so maybe give some of its functionality to base lash? Maybe at base it would spawn three lashes that track and with abeyant they travel farther, give woven mail and class ability when suspending (10-15% per enemy). Thank you for pointing out that at base drengrs' lash is only one lash. I always use abeyant when using it so I forgot. Prismatic: Here Bungie is already buffing the functionality of several exotics to work with thruster so my changes here would be mostly on unbreakable since it has little synergy with the rest of the aspects. Previously mentioned shield throw having two charges would also apply to prismatic. -Unbreakable has more functionality with the prismatic grenades. Suppression grenade would add suppression to its blast, thermite grenade scorch and maybe even ignition if fully charged, pulse grenade would add jolt, shackle grenade would suspend targets hit by the blast and glacier grenade would freeze targets when fully charged. -Increase the damage hammer strike deals against frozen/debuffed targets. I feel like this melee is utilised very little currently. So here are my proposed changes to all Titan subclasses. Please feel free to tell your opinion and if I missed something. Apologies for any spelling errors and possible bad formatting, I'm writing this on mobile. And thanks for reading!

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  • Oh man… another wall of text about Titans. I’ve heard a lot of good ideas over some of these posts but will try to be succinct. Best I heard recently was that every Titan subclass should get a new ‘Banner’ aspect similar to Banner of War that’s all about buffing specific weapon types as well as other ability loops besides melees to give them more options than just cqc/melee focused builds and giving them a WEAPON MASTER playstyle to offset their lack of ability variety (like banner of war with swords) along with buffing certain keywords. For example… Banner of Rage (Solar) - rockets, grenade launchers are better and scorch sources are more effective Banner of Resolve (Stasis) - sidearms, shotguns, fusions and frost armor is greatly improved Banner of Will (Void) - pulse rifles, trace rifles, snipers and volatile has improved effectiveness Banner of Freedom (Arc) - smgs, autos, lmgs and amplified provides DR Again, just some ideas on what it could sound like and affect.

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