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11/6/2023 10:52:09 PM

Weasel error on PS5

Hi. I use a 4G connection to play Destiny 2 on [b]PS5[/b] (unfortunately, my home internet connection is too bad). For the most of the time that i play, there is no sort of problem. Sometimes it begins to lose connection and i have continuous [u]WEASEL[/u] error code. After that, i can try to relogin to the game, but it hardly works. I seem to notice that maybe it often happens on Monday (usually the server maintenance is on Thursday). My 4G connection speed is around >60 Mbits in download and around >4 Mbits in upload (not too bad). I also use wireless connection (5GHz band). So, i don’t know if it is a problem on my side or there is something wrong from server side, maybe for PS5 consoles. I usually play with a friend that plays on PS4 and doesn’t have the same issue. Thanks, and please forgive me for any grammatical errors.

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  • Hi there! Error code WEASEL is a general networking error code, indicating that your platform is experiencing a connectivity issue with the Destiny 2 servers. This includes packet loss, connection loss or interference on Wi-Fi connections. If you are using a 4G internet connection, these connection issues could be amplified by the overall performance of your mobile carrier and your carrier’s data plan. If you are tethering off of your phone, this can amplify your connection errors as cell phone hot spots are not well designed for extended use for gameplay. There is also a matter of NAT. In most situations, you will not be able to properly address any network connection problems stemming from MODERATE or STRICT NAT, as your mobile hotspot may not have the features needed to perform port forwarding or firewall management to address these issues. If you are experiencing connection errors on this connection, then you will need to test it on another connection to see if the issue follows. For more information on error code WEASEL, please review the below article.

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    • 2
      Swat The Bot
      Swat The Bot

      Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation - ancien

      4G/5G is terrible for online gaming. The issue is on your end. If you can't switch to a better network then you're just going to have to put up with this.

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