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Destiny 2

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11/1/2023 3:16:11 AM

Makes me wonder: Bungie doesn't work well with ANY companies?

So, this brings up something that now seems more suspicious: if Bungie has had problems with so many companies in the past, what makes the future with Sony so good that this will work? With all of the layoffs and trying to keep themselves from being overextended on two projects, I wonder if things go bad that they will just blame Sony so they can attempt to look good. So, what's everyone's take on this thought?

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  • The problem is more that it isn’t a partnership with Sony. Sony just owns them and expects them to make money. Activist on sort of did the same thing. They put some requirements on Destiny but they weren’t really help. Microsoft took this same approach to Infinite and Redfall. It didn’t work. Infinite only turned around because Microsoft removed management who had made bad choices. It’s what Sony should probably do but likely won’t because they’re hands off(I still hope they do). Basically somy treats developers they buy like they’re cows who don’t need to be looked after or have regular health checkups and are just there to produce milk, no matter what their condition is. This works for the studios that take a really long time on games and who make single player games. It doesn’t for a game that’s constantly putting out content.

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