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9/17/2023 10:44:43 AM

Ascendant Alloys

The amount of Craftable Weapons versus the sources to obtain Alloys from is far too low and doesn't make me feel rewarded when trying to obtain them. Having to play Wellspring: Defend (because Attack is just the worst) which is already an old activity and the fact the drop rate can be abysmal for Alloys. There's the story missions which no one does either, paying 400 Shards for one a week at least let us buy 3. Then you have certain seasonal activities that don't even tell you in the UI (like Spire for Season of Witch on Legend) that reward you with them, which seems like the drop rate is even worse than WellSpring. The only solutions I can think of are to add Alloy's into GM's, Master Dungeons, Raids, Trials Flawless Chests. At the end of the day we really need more sources that come with a decent drop rate for this material. I know I can't be the only one who hates trying to farm these bad boy's every time we get new crafted weapons. If you have any suggestions, please feel free because for me my time doesn't feel valued when going after this currency.

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