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Destiny 2

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3/28/2023 1:13:02 PM

Fan Fic: The Pied Piper! A Faction story.

Arach was signing log after log. They where preparing to set out for other parts of the solar system and beyond. Dead Orbit and it's affiliates had been green lit by the Vanguard to migrate from the Last City to any hospital place they could find. It wasn't just a trek into deep space, it was a survey mission to boldy go where no Lightbearers had gone before. Many of Ikora's hidden where among his Faction and where steadfastly loyal to their cause. The Dead Orbit mission statement to leave Earth in pursuit of a new home. They where a group of people who had long since lost faith in the Traveller and the Speaker. He tapped another pad with his finger its indicator light flashed green from his print and it was done. Everything was accounted for. Dead Orbit would be finally launching in pursuit of their own happiness. Mean while New Monarchy had invited all the most notable City officials to a banquet and fundraiser. They where trying to raise money for the Eliksni Quarter and trying to calm public opinion about their being "Fallen" in the city. Recently a young Fallen was beaten to near death by a mob of angry Future War Cultist. The Cultist didn't take kindly to the peace with the Cabal or Fallen. In the eyes of the Cultist to show mercy to those who had fought them for so long was blasphemy against the light of the Traveller. Public opinion of Ikora and Zavala was at an all time low. The masses didn't seem trust either. Hideo finished setting a table with fine china and a tea set. The table cloth was a New Monarchy banner. Lakshmi sat at her desk reading reports her followers sent her of the going ons in the Eliksni Quarter. She had spies and thugs everywhere. It was her intention to spread word of how the Vanguard with out the direction of a Speaker or a Hunter where now allowing monsters into their safe haven. She was disgusted by their insect like mandibles and the chattering they made. Worse was the smell of a Cabal sentry. They smelled of oil and sulfur. Her skin crawled each time one paced the corridors of the Hangar. The Light would provide that creature said to her. Not for them it wouldn't. The Traveller came to humanity in their time of need it was theirs and it provided for them not space bugs. Thank the Traveller she thought that the Hive and Vex where so antagonistic or else she was sure diplomats would try to reason with them too. The notion of a good Hive made her laugh. The notion of a Vex reasoning for peace was just as bizarre. There was a knock at her door. Come in she said. In walked a loyal Praxic Warlock who she relied upon for years. He was muscular for a Warlock and had long blonde hair with blue eyes. A Pinnacle of the Beauty that was possible in humanity she thought to herself. The Praxic bowed and addressed her formally. We have word that there is movement in the Fallen camp. They seem to be growing restless and want to explore the city and even the tower. Lakshmi raised an eyebrow and smirked in concern. Well we can't have that get me Ikora she said demandingly to her Praxic. Ikora is meeting with Hideo at this time ma'am. Lakshmi stood up! Hideo was meeting with there leaders with out including her? What had the City come to. Where they not all respectful and dignified humans. She readied herself and stormed through the tower towards Hideo's mess hall. She was going to speak up. She was going to crash this little party. She was gonna embarrass Ikora in front of all these officials if it was the last thing she did. To be continued.
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