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Destiny 2

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9/20/2022 2:31:20 PM

thorn catalyst idea

similar to how scorch and ignition works. catalyst: shooting stacks venom enemies. reaching max stack causes a huge explosion of poison cloud. nearby enemies are poisoned and only the original target gets struck with a big damage from the explosion of poison.

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  • [quote]similar to how scorch and ignition works. catalyst: shooting stacks venom enemies. reaching max stack causes a huge explosion of poison cloud. nearby enemies are poisoned and only the original target gets struck with a big damage from the explosion of poison.[/quote] Great idea and all, but I think you can do something similar with a warlock exotic gloves. Perhaps larger 'magazine' along with an option for an alt fire. Alternate mode fires a larger thorn that inflicts more damage and heals user, at the cost of either ammo or a full 'magazine' and/or stacks of thorns perk... But I think bungie might wait for lightfall and use strand as the catalyst, don't know how or if atm...

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