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Destiny 2

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9/10/2022 6:40:05 PM

Destiny: Jack D. Anderson C11 PT 2

He left the hanger with a grin; Amanda was always a peach to talk to. It took him a few minutes to get to the Speakers tower due to multiple Hunters coming up and asking him questions. Not that he minded, he always loved interacting with who he jokingly called his children. He also hoped it would delay him enough so he wouldn't have to spend much time with Eirs. When he got to the tower, he walked up the stairs to see that the Speaker was speaking to two other guardians. When the Speaker noticed Cayde, he nodded to the two guardians; the guardians thanked him and walked past Cayde to leave, giving him a respectful smile as they went. "Cayde," the Speaker greeted as he turned to his desk, "What can I help you with?" "Hey Speaks," he nodded in greeting, "It's about Jack-" "Ah, yes, how is the new guardian?" "Good...Good... Uh," he sighed, "She's been having these strange dreams and, I guess, what you could call visions of the past. She hit me in the gut today while training because of one of them." "And what are these dreams and visions of?" The Speaker questioned as he rifled through the paper on his desk, almost disinterested. Cayde shrugged, "Something about a man and a little boy and a purple fog-" "What?" Cayde paused, "Um, a man and a-" "Not that, after that!" The Speaker snapped as he stormed towards Cayde, "About the fog!" Cayde was taken aback, "Um, I don't know; she said she saw this fog that killed people. Tore them from the inside out or something, said that the man she saw in her dream was 'taken' by it and she had to kill him." The Speaker was silent, his gaze falling to the ground as he thought, "She could be regaining her memories." "What, you mean like before she was rezzed?" Cayde questioned, "But I thought that was impossible?" "Not unless the Traveler deems it." "But why?" "The Traveler works in mysterious ways," he spoke, "She must have seen the darkness, lived through its corruption as it took over most of the planet. Has she always had these dreams?" He nodded, "Yeah, why?" The Speaker hummed as he thought, "Perhaps the Traveler is allowing her to experience memories of her past..." "Could it be the Darkness messing with her?" "I don't believe so," The Speaker answered, "If it was, she wouldn't be experiencing the dreams and visions while so close to the Traveler." "Ah," he nodded, "So... What do we do?" "There's nothing we can do," the Speaker responded with his hands behind his back as he walked back to his desk. "Wha- nothing? This could affect her in battle-" "It is up to the Traveler, Cayde. He will give her the visions when he deems it time. It's in his hands." Cayde sighed and shook his head; there was no point in arguing with him. It would only make Zavala and Ikora mad at him for questioning and arguing with the Speaker, so he decided to let it go. "Alright, thanks for the help," he mumbled as he turned to leave.

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