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Destiny 2

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12/29/2021 1:29:58 AM

A Great Fix For Vault Space That Helps The Future

It's nothing new that many have been complaining about their vault space and here's a great answer that not only solves that, but can help you create an environment where you can chose what weapons aren't sunset in a given season to change the sandbox. Right now the collections table only exists to just look at what you've already obtained or to grab an exotic or two. You can make a button command to save ONE roll for every legendary weapon and maybe even armor if you wanted to. They'll still be at low light so you'll have to infuse them. This makes it where you can have your favorite roll on a weapon ready to bring back at any time, but you'll have to choose between a PvP or PvE roll or just use your vault space so you can have both. With this you can also avoid the controversy of bringing back previously sunset weapons where people have to regrind for the weapon they already had. This can also introduce a sandbox where you can have certain weapons able to infuse to max light for higher level activities, while some others take a break for a season or 2. If a weapon you're using is no longer infusible for the season, just see what is open for you to use and bring it back to infuse. Or you could go grind for the re-issued or new weapons that could have a better perk set that you want. Not only would you would you solve the problem of vault space, but you would also have a way bringing back older weapons the game that have been gone for the longest.

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