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Destiny 2

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9/10/2021 9:41:32 PM

Engram Stash

I of course love to decrypt engrams and from time to time get some good stuff, but when it comes to Umbral and Trial Engrams its a little difficult as I need specific recourses to do a Prismatic Encoding of the Umbral Engrams and the Trial Engrams is better use by saving them to get new Trials weapons from Saint-14 with a hope for better rolls. Would love to be able to move my engrams to a little Engram stash place (50 slots, for example), an engram stash that would be stored on your ship (stash slots/space shared through all ships) or as a little compartment besides Amanda Holiday. Would be nice to be able to save up on Umbral and Trials Engrams in a stash/mini-vault for Engrams, would like to hear what others in the community have to say about the suggestion.

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