I don’t know how much my heart can take it anymore. From the second I saw blink in the one of the first trailers for destiny 1, I fell in love with it. No matter how suboptimal it was, or how poor the meta was for it, it was the perfect culmination of space wizard assassin.
Now, you can imagine the pain in my soul when I discovered that Bladedancer, along with my precious blink would not be returning. Not only that, but when bladedancer did come back, it was missing the Key component of what made it iconic!
All I ask is this: 2021. Witch Queen. Reintroduce blink to hunters. Please.
Honestly I'm down for hunters to get blink. Because if it does go on hunter it's guaranteed to get buffed after so many years.
Modifié par toxic boi (adept) : 2/12/2021 4:50:18 PMI don’t think that would be a good idea If Hunters get blink, Titans would beg for a mobility perk, which would loop the same problems that occurred in D1. Voidwalkers get blink because they’re able to ripple through space time, which is the whole idea of the subclass. Unfortunately though, not many people use it to begin with. On the good note, Stasis Hunters get an exotic that lets them link instead of dodging , which performs much better since it is grounded
Bump :)