This is BB, she’s a round boi...
Also she has the desire to kill her humans in their sleep by shoving her paw down your gullet...
All I've got is a fluffy chicken.
Lasagna chonk
Modifié par TUSKENATOR : 8/2/2020 3:35:57 PMToo bad she isn’t a Persian. That would make her even more cool.
I used to have a cat who stick his nose in your ear while you were sleeping and then start purring. Was the weirdest sensation to wake up to.
Looks like a dodge ball with a face
An ex buddy of mine's sister used to have a Siamese that hated everybody. Clawing people's faces and what not. I got along with it fine. Every time a slept over, I would wake up with it sleeping on my chest. Probably stealing my soul.
[i]My cat likes to wake me up by punching me in the face each morning. If that doesn't work, I'll then be on the receiving end of an open handed slap ( all claws fully out ) across the face.[/i]
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