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Destiny 2

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Modifié par SuperWood44 : 9/1/2019 6:01:47 PM

Remember when Bungie split with Activision?

Everyone said the game could finally start improving... Look where it's going now. Seems like Bungie is showing their true colors now that they can't use Activision as a scapegoat. 1) A battle pass reward system 2) The raid team getting away with re-skins (MAJORLY unacceptable) 3) A much harder push on Eververse 4) Less content added with some of what we have getting removed. Shadowkeep is an impending dumpster fire. Needless to say I've lost all hype for shadowkeep and don't plan on buying unless they fix things. I doubt that will happen as all Bungie seems capable of saying is "making content is hard"

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