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returning player have all dlc except for the annual pass will probably buy by the end of this week though
We have all the food groups and always use a side of bacon. All kidding aside. Lt. Elhew's Marines only has a few combat boots to fill. Why not try on a pair and see if they fit. PS4. 18 to enlist. Must be an English speaking mic user! We do all endgame content. PVP and PVE. No Marine is left behind! Put Lt. Elhew's Marines into your clan search. Next inspect clan. Then request to join. Semper Fi.
Hi just started a new clan got a few people in it now pm if you want to know more
Ever danced with a Cabal in the pale moonlight? Done the boogie woogie with a Vex until you were vex-milk intolerant? Either way, if you’ve read this far, you’re the clanmate for us! Scorn Stole Our Socks is a new Xbox One PVE/PVP U.S based,social and casual leveling clan.We are recruiting active, fun, and friendly members to join our ranks. Whether you are a experienced player,returning player or just bought the game and starting out fresh,then this is the clan for you!! Things we do: Strikes Crucible Gambit Raids Story Missions Dailies and Weeklies Iron Banner And just about everything else We do not judge anyone by level or experience but treat everyone as equals.There are no silly requirements like to have high kill/death ratio or be leet, but only to have fun and play at your own pace with like-minded individuals. If you're interested in joining us,please click link below or message my gamertag on Xbox Dreadfulowl2099.Happy Hunting Guardians!! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=3758766 We do use discord for grouping and clan related stuff. Link is below https://discord.gg/HXXJKgF