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4/2/2019 7:33:10 PM
I'm interested, I'm a level 50 and my light level is I think 550 . I'm STILL going after the black armory and completed forsaken and been doing the blinded well a few times. No raids as of yet because most of my gaming friends moved to ps4 or quit gaming all together. I live in Seattle WA (USA) I'm 8 hours behind UK time but... that's ok because I'm self employed and can play when I want. I don't mind getting help and I don't mind helping people... basically I'm a peoples person. Feel free to friend me on Xbox, here is my gamertag LSUJake2174 (leave a brief message so I know its you ) hopefully I can join soon and I hope (with your permission with joining) I can be a great asset to the clan. I do have a headset so that's no problem. Jake

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