[quote]Twelve people were killed after a gunman opened fire at a crowded country-music bar in Southern California late Wednesday, authorities said. The suspect, who was believed to have acted alone, was also confirmed dead.
I really don't understand why these shootings are becoming normalized. The fact that people are willing to kill the innocent and hurt their families is beyond me.
Meanwhile in Chicago alone, 15 people were shot, 2 killed (same incident) just this past Sunday. No one talking about that. Oh wait, gotta push the "ma gunz r bad" bullshit.
Just another day bruh.
Shootings are becoming political necessities. Republican or Democrat a good shooting lets the parties draw power from [i]talking about[/i] the issues of gun control, rather than [i]fixing[/i] the issue. It is their political ammo, so to speak...
Why are they a trend? People want fame, and news stations are more than b willing to immortalize them
Mental health, it was a US Marine who did it and he dealt with PTSD. Plus he was a loner, so no one could have got to him and help him. Trust me, if every LEGAL gun owner wanted to shoot up a place, there’d be thousands. Just saying. It’s not a gun issue. It’s a mental issue, just saying.
Its okay, shooter was a veteran so hes forgiven cuz them guys do a lot for our nation and protects it good
Same place where a ravaging fire. Or was, I dunno
There are some very sick people in this world. And while I don't support gun control (I know what it leads to), certainly something needs to be done.
I think the most fukd up part is that a Vegas shooting survivor ended up dead in this mass shooting. The vegas shooting was at a country concert and thousand oaks was in a country bar. Strange connections. Probably just bad luck.
The media loves this shit.
Maybe if guns weren’t as accessible the death toll would have been less.
This one 100% boils down to mental health issues. He was evaluated by Police psychiatrists, but they cleared him. Maybe they missed something, maybe he hid it well.
You’ve got to be -blam!-ing kidding me. The whole country is beyond the point of -blam!-ed at this point. The people in the Government won’t do jack shit to stop it, try to spin the attack on the other party, or so as much might even suppress the news. Might as well re-paint the American flag with red and gold and call us the New Soviet Union.
It's a well-known fact that 100% of gun crime that happens in the US is due to a gun being used in that crime. Also, it's normalized nowadays because people with the power to do something about it aren't really doing anything to address the situation.
It's very scary. You aren't safe anywhere. In a free society with so many guns, it's just too easy for a crazy person to kill.
Stressful times. Narcissistic and angry society. Easy way to vent your rage and get national attention, and make the world do what you want for a change. The real question is why are these shooters overwhelmingly white and male?
Modifié par Fixit : 11/9/2018 2:12:19 AM[quote] I really don't understand why these shootings are becoming normalized.[/quote] 307 mass shootings for 311 days. Kinda hard to care when nothing changes.
With more technological development decreases the amount of “human” put into the killing if you know what I mean. Mentally, it’d be imaginable that it would be much harder to kill a person face-to-face with a knife, as you see the person die right in your eyes. Now, you don’t even have to see the face of the victim to shoot them. I think my history teacher talked about this. Still, very sad.
Tragedy yes, even worse, the politicians/celebrities using it like fuel to power their narrative.
Willing and [b]able[/b]. Your lax gun laws hand them the opportunity on a platter.
Modifié par Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds : 11/8/2018 4:41:31 PMIt’ll be all over the news for less than a week. We’ll say there’s nothing we can do about it despite being the only country where this happens to this degree. Cue the useless and complacent “thoughts and prayers” all over social media. Rinse and repeat. Welcome to America. I think it’s beyond the guns. It’s American mentality and society in general. Something is wrong.
Are extended magazines already illegal in California?
Gosh, country [i]is[/i] terrible. Not worth shooting up a bar over though, that's a bit extreme. Uhhh... F?
We had active shooter training in school today. It was kinda surreal but I can imagine a shooting happing at my school
overall violent crime has dropped there over 300 million people in the US this stuff is going to happen. there’s always going to be psychopaths and sociopaths in society unfortunately.
Yea, it’s sort of traumatizing. I can’t think about anything else but getting ready to have to defend myself from someone like this.