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11/5/2018 5:18:47 PM

thousand voices needs a nerf. change my mind.

Yes, I know its a raid weapon, yes I know it has the lowest drop rate, but it is ridiculously overpowered. It is the same as prometheus lens when it first came out. In fact I am certain that it kills you quicker. My gambit fireteam, 4 people from my clan ran into a clan using it in gambit. All 4 players had the gun, and it was hell. People say I should feel honored to be killed by it. It's not an honor, its an infuriating weapon to die at the hands of. The raiders, and all players deserve a good piece of loot to chase, I totally and wholeheartedly agree with everyone on that. But a weapon that drives people away, that ruins the game, isn't the answer. I dont have the gun, probably won't ever have it (because rng hates me) but that doesnt mean I cant have an opinion. I want to hear from the players who have it. The people who get to play on easy mode when they invade, the people who think that it is a balanced gun. Hate me, downvote me, I am sure this post will get all the butthurtness that the bungie forums can offer. But maybe it won't, and we can have a civilized discussion. Thank you for your time

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