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Destiny 2

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Modifié par megatron pants : 8/18/2018 4:00:32 PM


I noticed this and I don't know if others did (others probably did since I'm slow on the uptake seeing as I'm a Titan), but the Lost Prophecy Verse Six from CoO could be referring to Xol, the Black Spindle - oops, Whisper of the Worm, your Guardian, and the Agnorach Karve - sorry A Thousand Wings. The sixth Lost Prophecy is written in the Sol Pariah 6's flavor text, it says: Amid the endless death one flew--unnatural all-consuming need-- And in the space between the two, accursed comprehension freed. The A Thousand Wings exotic ship's lore tab says: Extinguish the stars. Devour the planets. Soar through a universe of utter dark. Among millions of karve scoutships, you know that this one is special. It is the will of the thousands that impels you now. "The demiurge of the Hive is the worm; the demiurge of the Vex is the thought; the demiurge of the Fallen is the ether, which is survival; the demiurge of the Cabal is authority. These are the things, both constraint and power, which defines the universe of possible actions. These are the rule-makers and instruments which enforce reality. Give a power to a Guardian and they shall know that power as a weapon, for when a Guardian chooses to alter the world, they do so with the bullet and the blade. Grant a Guardian godly power, and that Guardian shall fashion it into a perfect rifle. The demiurge of the Guardian is the gun. But we must remember that the demiurge is not the god. It is only the thing which converts perfect divine will into imperfect material form. We may wield the demiurge; but if we do, what god wields us?" -- Ulan-Tan And the Whisper of the Worm's: A Guardian's power makes a rich feeding ground. Do not be revolted. There are parasites that may benefit the host... teeth sharper than your own. Xol, the Will of Thousands, perished, but was not destroyed. Death is a road, death is metamorphosis, the unsacred union between destroyer and destroyed. The might which defeats a god is also the ambrosia that god craves, the meat-sweet logic of Existence-Asserted-By-Violence, the binomial decision between two ways of being which defy each other. In dying, Xol fed richly. Now came Xol unto the Taken upon Io, who fed Xol with plunder and tried to make of it an idol and commanding will. Yet Xol was bound joyously to the very logic that sustained it in its death. It wanted the sword proof, the single proof. It wanted to become a rule which divided the mighty living from the mighty dead. So it whispered the Anthem Anatheme, the temptation to dominate the objective universe with the subjective will. It said, I shall be an engine to make your desires hedgemon over your conditions. It said, WIELD ME, AND USE ME TO TEST YOUR FOE. This was its worship. Aiat. So its already known that Xol sort of transformed into the Whisper of the Worm sniper (similar to Oryx and the Touch of Malice in the first game), but I'm not focusing on that right now. I'm focusing more on the A Thousand Wings and the Sol Pariah 6. The exotic ship says to "Extinguish the stars. Devour the planets. Soar through a universe of utter dark", and the SMG says "Amid the endless death one flew", extinguishing stars and devouring planets sounds a lot like death to me, so I believe they refer to each other. The next part of Verse Six says "unnatural all-consuming need", which is exactly what the Worms have, and enforce upon their host, but they "may benefit the host", granting the Hive extended life and power, and granting our Guardian, the wielder of the Whisper, an incredibly powerful rifle, "the perfect rifle", as said by Ulan-Tan. So the Whisper is the "imperfect material form" of the "godly power", making the exotic sniper the demiurge, and "We may wield the demiurge; but if we do, what god wields us?", that god, which had perished by our power, and thus craves that power, is the Will of the Thousands. Xol is using the Whisper of the Worm, his whisper, to make our "desires hedgemon over our conditions". Xol wants us to wield him, and use him to test our foe, and, in doing so, basically accepting a Worm just as the Hive did, but only in a different manner, and with a much more powerful Worm. The third part of the Sixth Verse says "And in the space between the two", so there are two, and I'm betting that it's you and Xol. Another thing to back this up is that in-game it is stated that Lost Prophecies 1 through 5 have already happened, leaving 6 to be next, and the Warmind expansion did come out directly after CoO. The only part I'm not sure of is the last part, "Accursed comprehension freed" (accursed has two definitions, according to Google, and you should always trust Google: under a curse, or, used to express strong dislike of or anger toward someone or something), could be that having a parasitic Worm is the curse, I'm not sure. back to the ship, it says that "It is the will of the thousands that impels you now", meaning that Xol drives, forces, or urges you to do something (ie. it's will). I don't know, I probably missed stuff or something, but that's why I posted it here, so people could point out what I missed, or even to fill in some gaps that you have about this topic. I checked the seventh Lost Prophecy, West Of Sunfall 7 to see if it related to Forsaken or even later events in Warmind. I noticed that the first part could refer to the Sword-Logic, seeing as how according to it, slaying foes grants you their might and knowledge, and the second part about either Nokris' necromancy or the fact that the Worms grant Immortality to the Hive. The third part might be referring to the Hive no longer shunning Nokris and Xol and their resurrection abilities (which hasn't yet happened, and this prophecy also hasn't yet happened). The last bit, no clue other than it might be some hint at the darkness or some such. Anyway, here's the flavor text: A spark of knowledge with each fall, the purpose of endless youth. No longer shunned, dark's nameless call now brings about tenebrous truth. I'm done now. No more tangents. TL;DR: The sixth lost prophecy could be referring to Xol, your Guardian, and how you use him as "the perfect rifle".

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