And it's all based around a shitty pun: Cryoshock.
Now, cryogenic freezing is something I've always thought I'd do in a heartbeat if it were widely available. I'm a hopeless optimist, so prolonging my life significantly is something I'd have no problem with. But it's clear that a lot of people feel differently. So what if that were the moral conundrum at the heart of a new BioShock?
The story could be littered with a handful of characters whom you get to decide whether or not to freeze. This could be based on all sorts of things, like their disposition, ambitions, what their friends and family think (if for example they're terminally ill). And then the ultimate narrative choice is whether or not to freeze yourself at the end. Based on various choices throughout the game, the world will look very different with each ending.
Just play system shock and read atlas shrugged lmao
I think it sounds like an interesting idea for a game, but.. I dunno, it doesn’t sound very “Bioshock” to me.
Sounds like a really cool idea. Maybe for a spin-off or something tho, rather a mainline game.