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Destiny 2

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1/16/2018 5:15:41 PM

Infinite Forest Simulation Idea

This may not be a popular suggestion, but I think the infinite forest could be used as a tool to bring back d1 activities. Using the planet sized reality simulator you could litteraly add back campaign missions, strikes, and best of all raids all while referring to them as vanguard sponsored training simulations of the heroic deeds of past guardians. I know some would see it as once again recycling content, however the additional activities would make d2 go from not much endgame to more than you could do in a week. You wouldn't even have to add back the old weapons and armor due to it all being just a simulation. Just have the activities reward engrams and raid encounters drop the high light engrams and an exotic engram for raid completions. I'm also aware that boss health would need adjusting to make up for the week loadouts in d2 but I still think this feature could be very fun for those that loved those activities (VoG FtW).

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  • I'm thinking the name 'Infinite [i]Forest[/i]', is a pun for those in the IT field. For those in IT: Think Active Directory. . . "A tree is a collection of one or more domains and domain trees in a contiguous namespace, linked in a transitive trust hierarchy. At the top of the structure is the forest. A forest is a collection of trees that share a common global catalog, directory schema, logical structure, and directory configuration." This "forest" could actually just be one giant and advanced Active Directory. Panoptes was just the Administrator. That would explain why it's focused more on digital and less on actual green forests. Just an idea from a bored IT guy at work. lmao

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