A [url=https://mobile.twitter.com/Carebear_hinch/status/915320369938075648]triggered SJW normie[/url] has lashed out! We must attack with weaponized autism!
Kek is bad
Fuck off back to the_donald with your shitty meme
What is “Kek”?
Modifié par SuperStormDroid : 10/4/2017 5:28:44 AMThat's it! The Ancient Joke Police hereby declares war on Kekistan! Death to kekistan! Kek is a false God! Glory to our feline overlords! *Deploys killer robot LOLcats*
Why are you linking to a random person's twitter account, that has nothing to do with your topic?
She's not an SJW, she's just a salty thot who was dumped because of her thottish ways.
kekistan is stupid
Lok’tar Ogar
Just ignore the SJW, they will get upset and do something so stupid the media will actually cover them.