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Modifié par IamMythHunter : 9/15/2017 11:20:23 PM

Kek Overreaction

Dear Bungie, While I respect your decision to remove the symbol that referenced the 'Nation of Kekistan,' I find that the language you used to explain the decision contained some rather ignorant hyperbole. While some individuals have indeed used the Kekistan symbol to represent white nationalist or white supremacist ideas, others have used it, (quite frequently), to symbolize a (read clearly), anti-racist pushback against a political monopoly by left wing media that seeks to brand its critics as racist, xenophobic, etc. (This includes institutions such as the Southern Poverty Law Center). Use of hyperbole that equivocates all individuals that have ever used the Kekistan symbol with those who have used it to represent an evil ideology risks creating a trend of censorship toward any one who is left of center to right-wing. Even more importantly, it simply isn't correct, and telling the truth matters. It is simply not true that the 'Kek' symbol was an exclusively racist symbol, even in contemporary context. It may be an inappropriate symbol to have in game, but it was not and has not been exclusively used by racists. Let me be clear: Bungie has not violated anyone's rights by removing the symbol. Bungie has made no clear attempt to silence conservatives, liberals, capitalists, or anyone else except for actual racists. I do not claim that they have. This post is TO BUNGIE and is more of a serious concern about the future, not a whine-post. Red flags were raised by the term "Hate Groups" and a recent Kotaku article that implied Bungie received their definition of the Kekistan symbol from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Anti-Free Speech, Anti-Capitalist legal corporation. My goodwill should not be suspect in the writing of this article. My best wishes to the Bungie Development team and to every individual in the Destiny Community. -IamMythHunter.

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