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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par The Epidemic : 9/22/2017 10:30:08 PM

Island Savages now recruiting [Xbox]

We're a small group of respectful gamers based out of California (PST preferred time zone). We used to be hard core gamers but we have to be adulting now. Kids, jobs, mortgages, you name it and we get it life gets in the way. NBD we are just are looking to have fun and knock off some of Destiny's challenges while riding the loot train. We're looking for members to help us get through the Raid, Nightfall, Crucible and Trials. We are on mostly nights and weekends and we are looking for other like minded individuals. If you're looking for a group with respectful chill people then please comment below with your GT for an invite. Please have mic.

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