You know that the Suastic symbol is not [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] by nature don`t you?
It`s a Budist symbol.
Now google it and find the real meaning of it.
PS: damn, didn`t knew we couldn`t write N.a.z.i. on any kind of context. That`s a bad way to educate people. Hidding the truth is harmful, not the other way around.
Modifié par alexisarobot : 9/20/2017 8:41:33 AMActually, this argument kind of reinforces Bungie's position. The symbol was originally a buddhist symbol, but it was co-opted and is more infamously known for something truly evil. I think the big confusion over all of this is that the kek thing is happening really quickly that it feels like we should all ignore it. but if you Google "kek", most of the first page results are about white nationalist, alt-right, and other hate groups. I think whether we like it or not, to most of the country, "kek" isn't associated with World of Warcraft or 4Chan.
[quote]but if you Google "kek", most of the first page results are about white nationalist, alt-right, and other hate groups. [/quote] Those results tell us a lot about what you do online. Google's search results are personalized based on the information Google has about you. The more the result fits into what Google thinks you want to see the higher up it will be. My Google search of kek just brings up a couple of dictionary sites, two Wikipedia entries, Destiny patch notes, Bungie forum links, a couple YouTube channels, some World of Warcraft links and at the bottom an article about this whole thing.
I know what you mean and i was just giving an example. I`m European and this "kek" stuff means nothing to me and to much of the rest of the European player base. But i understand that it may be sensitive stuff for some of you guys and i respect that.