Sorry but your argument is rubbish. Just because a hate group appropriates or is seen with a symbol, it doesn't mean that symbol is associated with that group. What if I saw a KKK member drinking pepsi, does that make the Pepsi logo a hate symbol? What if I saw one retweet Justin Bieber, does that make him a hate symbol?
What you're peddling here is not only guilt by association but censorship by association too.
Modifié par Prince of Ravens : 9/19/2017 9:48:39 PMThe Swastika wasn't originally a Fascist symbol... Look where it is now. Hate groups can ABSOLUTELY appropriate symbols. [spoiler]If they're influential enough... I don't think these punks qualify as 'influential'[/spoiler]
I'm not making an argument for or against Bungie's decision, I'm just explaining the situation. From what I've seen so far most people's knowledge of the situation ends after paragraph 3.
That's a bad retort considering Kek is literally a fake hate group that evolved into real hate groups posting their stuff.
Except the pepsi logo isn't even remotely made to look like a kriegsmarine flag...
Modifié par Ramirenzo : 9/19/2017 9:10:29 PMYes and it's made to look like that because it's designed from the ground up to trigger hyper-reactionaries, who judge things by what they look like disassociated from any real world context. In that respect bungie has fallen for the bait. Should we ban you for being associated with the incredibly violent Russian Communist Party, or should we judge your username on the wider context of it's use in sci-fi, particularly Warhammer 40k?