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Modifié par Vromora : 1/13/2017 2:11:02 AM

Anyway to contact Bungie?

It's nothing much. I'm just hoping to get a request or something from them for my friend. We've been in this game a long time. And if I'm not chalking up any failures to bad luck, or slowly losing sanity over the repetitive love we've grown for this game, I'm usually always with my best friend here. And my friend doesn't have my luck. I... can't stress that enough HOLY CRAP he's lucky. He gets skeleton keys every strike now, and usually has something to laugh at or keep us going. I freaking love this guy, no homo. We've been best friends since literally like... preschool. Maybe a little earlier. I think we bullied some kid over apple juice? Bah, I'm getting off topic. My real topic was to contact a Bungie employee, or a fellow guardian if you will. My friend's birthday was coming up. And the only gun he wants is the one he can't get, which would be The Jade Rabbit. Now I have this gun. In fact, I'd dare say it's my favorite gun. If I could take any weapon to Alabama and marry, it'd be her. And my friend can not get her. No matter what. And TRUST me, we try. Any fellow grinder out there could understand the rage, pain, and fear of not getting what we want. As well as the satisfaction. And for my friend's birthday, I was hoping someone over at Bungie could work a miracle, and get him the one gun he wants. And don't say it's not possible please. I'd like to keep my hopes as low as they currently are (surprisingly high right now, but hush) and pray for something So any miracle workers at Bungie, if you ever see this, send me a message please. And to anyone else who reads this, I hope you have a laugh, and a good thought in mind for those you care about as well. Happy late ass New Year's, and may we have more fun in Destiny. ~SneakyGundam

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  • [quote]It's nothing much. I'm just hoping to get a request or something from them for my friend. We've been in this game a long time. And if I'm not chalking up any failures to bad luck, or slowly losing sanity over the repetitive love we've grown for this game, I'm usually always with my best friend here. And my friend doesn't have my luck. I... can't stress that enough HOLY CRAP he's lucky. He gets skeleton keys every strike now, and usually has something to laugh at or keep us going. I freaking love this guy, no homo. We've been best friends since literally like... preschool. Maybe a little earlier. I think we bullied some kid over apple juice? Bah, I'm getting off topic. My real topic was to contact a Bungie employee, or a fellow guardian if you will. My friend's birthday was coming up. And the only gun he wants is the one he can't get, which would be The Jade Rabbit. Now I have this gun. In fact, I'd dare say it's my favorite gun. If I could take any weapon to Alabama and marry, it'd be her. And my friend can not get her. No matter what. And TRUST me, we try. Any fellow grinder out there could understand the rage, pain, and fear of not getting what we want. As well as the satisfaction. And for my friend's birthday, I was hoping someone over at Bungie could work a miracle, and get him the one gun he wants. And don't say it's not possible please. I'd like to keep my hopes as low as they currently are (surprisingly high right now, but hush) and pray for something Also to my dear grammar [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url], my grammar has been written well so far, but this is from my phone as I currently poop, so I'm not spacing out this giant paragraph. So any miracle workers at Bungie, if you ever see this, send me a message please. And to anyone else who reads this, I hope you have a laugh, and a good thought in mind for those you care about as well. Happy late ass New Year's, and may we have more fun in Destiny. ~SneakyGundam[/quote]

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