I came here to talk about my problem, not because I want all of you to feel sorry for me but because I need to start changing. Yes, I reload too often and I have come to terms with who I am and am ready to fight for a new me. It's a serious problem you see, every single time I'm done pew pewing I hit the X button. Even if I only shoot one bullet I reload and it gets me killed more often than I'd like to admit. Please. Help me get over this terrible habit I beg you. its an addiction and sooner or later it's going to lead to sprinting around every corner.... DON'T FALL INTO THIS TERRIBLE CHASM. BE READY FOR EVERY ENCOUNTER YOU GET YOURSELF INTO. DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN [spoiler]and no magazine in your gun[/spoiler]
Thank you all for your time. Now excuse me as I stare at my motion sensor and fall off the map.
Edit 1: About the Author
Punisher24689 was an avid year 1 destiny player. He was there when Xur sold Gjallerhorn for the first time but thought why "spend strange coins on a stupid rocket launcher". His first love was The Last Word, "dude this thing makes me look like a -blam!-ing cowboy g'damn" and it remained a faithful firearm until the end. Problems started when he received a Fatebringer. It's outlaw perk led to quick reloads - and lots of them. He became a frequent reloader with other weapons, fearing paranoia of not having enough bullets to kill that one hunter who keeps blinking all over the place. He was able to manage Trials of Osiris well, using the Y-09 Longbow Synthesis to SNIPE THE -blam!- OUT OF THOSE REVIVES WHOO unfortunately he got into the habit after reloading only after one shot. Coming from an extensive Halo and Battlefield background, punisher had it ingrained in his mind to press the reload button after every kill or kills. Using quick reloading weapons helped but it wasn't enough from saving him running into a blueberry with an autorifle who filled his face with bullets. In one fateful Trials match, punisher faced two opponents with both his teammates down on the other side of the map. Quickly dispatching of one enemy and then hitting the other with his favorite sniper he was confident in a one hit kill with his Jewel of Osiris. We could say that hubris was his downfall, as he put one shot into he thought he would have gotten the kill and instinctively reloaded. He lost the match.
Literally haven't played in a year. I just really like these forums.
Be honest. Have you been reloading lately?
Too late!
Modifié par Duckworth2069 : 11/25/2016 3:28:36 AM
Hiiiii punisher24689
I think many of us feel your pain.
Hey everyone my name is Buried and recently I've been addicted to PvP. Even tho i dont have the best K/D, I still find the thrill in hunting another predator, a intelligent opponent and the reward of winning a shoot out.
Hi, my name is Warlocks For Lyfe, and I am also a reload addict.
im same lol when i first started i didnt reload and got caught out now i reload so often i waste time and get caught out need to find a happy medium
The □ button is used so much it starts to stick sometimes.
Ha! *reloads* I am so glad I don't *reloads* have this problem. *reloads* You *reloads* will be in my prayers. *reloads*
Hello. My name is Doctor Billy, and this is your intervention.
Try Outlaw?
I don't reload: I miss some time and die I reload: either o forget I'm using bad juju or I get one hit death on reload Hence use red death reload or no reload it doesn't matter you're still alive and well.
I reload Bad Juju after every kill. Sometimes, I have to fire a bullet to reload :(
Me too. That's why I always look for reload perks in games and guns
Hello Punisber24689
Let's make a special exotic to help players with this problem. It will be a Scout Rifle horrible reload and a large magazine. It will have [b]Spray and Play[/b] as it's first perk and [b]Triple Tap[/b] as the second. It's exotic perk will be unlocked by default and it will cause the player to be affected by something like [b]Melting Point[/b], but only when the players reloads with more than half the magazine left.
Try playing Borderlands 2 as a mechromancer.....that broke my reload habit.
I'm addicted to peeping twice to see if I'm still being hard scoped. It's terminal I'm afraid. There is no cure for stupid.
Couldn't help but think of this. https://youtu.be/-pkEvHDr9f8
I do this too. Easiest solution? Double tap Y quickly.
Sometimes I shoot one bullet just so i can reload. I don't know why. It feels so good to reload and know I'm reloaded.
I do the same thing and it does get me killed when I should have already had the first shot off. I'm a reload addict and need to find a new me too. You are not alone guardian.
I once reloaded a grenade. I still wonder how I did it...
Every time I reload, I pause to sniff my half spent magazine, for that special smell. I have a problem.
Im addicted to punching people knowing well of the matador meta, it's a habit from Halo. I'm addicted at counter-sniping snipers using a dmr, proving that they can kiss my ass. I'm addicted to tea-bagging shotgunners or titans, I especially like tea-bagging anyone who uses fist of panic. Im addicted to reloading after every engagement, and I fire a shot and reload if it auto-reloads for satisfaction. Im also addicted to dancing. Even in pvp, I dance when the enemy is behind glass or far away.
Hi punisher