I've been outta the game for the last 7 months thanks to the garbage that was known as The Division.. I got these 2 Scout Rifles but I'm not sure which is better, helpful comments are appreciated.
Saterienne Rapier with Red Dot, Zen Moment, Small Bore and Army of one VS NL Shadow 701X with Red Dot, Crowd control, Perfect Balance and Third Eye
Try them out and see. Both can be good, it just depends on the player.
NL Shadow does like no damage if you don't hit headshots.
Modifié par Monty : 9/8/2016 11:45:40 AMNL-Shadow 701X
I have both with similar rolls and I'd say the nl shadow
I've never been killed by the shadow in pvp ever. The rapier is not owned by as many people so I couldn't tell you what it's like in pvp. I have mine and I love it but I don't use it in pvp
good rolls there on both of them. I'm a fan of the shadow simply because it fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. For that reason it needs something to counter the recoil and if you have that - its a lot of fun. Under powered for PVP - feels like it should hit harder but it doesn't (you'll pretty much get gunned down by everything else) but great for PVE - especially if you have explosive rounds too. The rapier hits harder but the smaller mag can catch you out. with good stability and range - can be useful in PVP. At the moment I'm using hung jury (hits harder than the shadown and seems to fire faster than the rapier), and for an exotic scout - boolean gemini. Both are great fun.
Love the rate of fire on the shadow.
I think that Saterienne Rapier is better because NL Shadow 701 has the highest rate of fire a scout rifle can achieve, but it can't get full auto. Without it, it tends to 'jam' in some way between shots so you basically need full auto to reach its potential.
Rapier, but neither are particularly good. Just play the game normally and you'll get better stuff!
I've used NL shadow personally I don't like it. I've noticed phantom bullets in the sense that I know I'm aiming at the person and hitting them but I'm not getting hit markers. NL not for PvP (player v. Player).
Never should've dismantled my Saterienne Rapier... Miss my baby so very much...
Both are keepers, for different scenarios,
They're both really good man, I got em both too and would say sat rap with a shotty is nice and nl shadow is good all around plays alot like mida just shoots quicker, try em both they're both good just different