publié à l'origine sous :Bioshock RP
Based on:
[spoiler]Obviously, this is an RP, and creativity is definitely allowed and highly encouraged. I only ask that if you create/upgrade any plasmids, gene tonics, or weapons, that they fit the time, and are balanced.
One character is allowed, this may be changed after the beginning period of the RP. Please don't kill off your character just because you want a new one either, as the rule will likely change soon anyway.
No Plasmid or Gene Tonic is allowed to give you an OP regenerating shield like infinite had.[/spoiler]
What is Rapture?
[spoiler]Rapture is an underwater colony built by Andrew Ryan a few years before this RP takes place. It is built on the standard that a man is entitled to the sweat of his own brow, essentially meaning a tax free society where the government requisitions nothing from the people. Obviously, this is not a very far cry from anarchy, which begins to leave its mark on the city. Otherwise, the city bustles with the sale of plasmids, gene tonics, and more common goods. The city, in its early years, is held together by maintenance men in large metal suits, later named big daddies. Andrew Ryan still lives, presiding over Rapture and allowing the people as much freedom as possible, in his city free of "parasites."[/spoiler]
Common Vocabulary for Beginners
[spoiler]Bathysphere: a spherical submarine-like device with a set path, built to take people from the surface and back, and around the city.
Plasmid: An injection containing a specially procured mixture of ADAM, reprogramming your genetic code and allowing active abilities like shooting lightning or fire, befriending security, or telekinesis, for example. Plasmids consume EVE when used.
ADAM: special chemical obtained from special slugs or Little Sisters, used to procure plasmids and gene tonics.
EVE: Fuel required to reap the benefits of all plasmids. Some plasmids require more than others. Commonly sold and easily found in the form of a blue injectable fluid.
Gene Tonics: Passive upgrades to the human body, requiring ADAM to procure, but are permanent afterwards and will never consume EVE. Some examples are: increases in movement speed, health, accuracy, and EVE capacity, but they can be more complex, for example, releasing an electric shock when a melee attacker connects with you.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Splicers: a very open-ended enemy type. They are people who are addicted to any and all ADAM products, driven mad by the genetic changes. They are often mutated into disgusting states, and will attack on sight. They vary from large, bulky, and hard to take down to tall, skinny, and agile enough to dodge most attacks. The more ADAM a spliced has ever acquired, the more dangerous they are expected to be.
Big Daddies: Large, hulking figures in metal suits, originally recruited to maintain the city and make repairs. They are, or were, normal humans, or ones strengthened by the suit and such, some consumed by ADAM for strength. Like most of the city, many big daddies went insane, some even becoming sworn protectors of Little Sisters. The relationship is symbiotic, as little sisters share the ADAM they collect with their rather large bodyguard. Big daddies are commonly passive unless you attack them or their Little Sister. There are a few types of Big Daddies, bouncers, which carry a drill that cannot be detached, and also are surprisingly mobile for their size. Rosie's are big daddies with an extremely large river gun, requiring two hands to carry, even in the arms of the metallic beast that is a big daddy. These weapons fire rivets (or screws) at a high velocity, doing extreme amounts of damage to whatever it hits. The final, and least common, is an Alpha-Series Big Daddy, capable of using and injecting new plasmids, swapping between smaller, handheld versions of the drill, rivet gun, and more. This gives them the ability to use plasmids and conventional weapons at the same time. A terror to any that may happen across them. It is rumored big daddy suits are still in production somewhere on the east end of the city.
Little Sisters: Young girls who were genetically modified with ADAM. The modification causes them to act very strange, but primarily forces them to seek out ADAM, which they do very well. Most ADAM a little sister acquires will come from the corpses of splicers or other plasmid users, whom they refer to as "angels." They require ADAM to obtain appropriate nutrition for survival, due to the mutations. They extract the ADAM out of the corpses using a large syringe, and the process takes much time. They will often choose a big daddy to protect them during the harvest, as a little sister practically an ADAM gold mine. When a Big Daddy protecting a little sister is killed, humans or splicers will have the choice between harvesting the girl for the most ADAM possible, or simply curing her of the genetic modification that causes her to seek out ADAM, which delivers little to no ADAM. Performing any actions regarding little sisters is likely to get the attention of a big sister. Little Sisters are virtually harmless, but their protectors are far from it.
Big Sisters: Little Sisters who were never harvested, and grew to be a bit larger. They take on an odd armor, that looks as if it was scavenged from the destroyed parts of Rapture. This metallic armor somewhat resembles that of a Big Daddy, their once-protectors. Their only aim is to protect little sisters from being harvested. To do this, they adopt a strategy of speed, and relentless assault. Using a bayonet-like appendage on their arm and a variation of other attacks, sometimes even plasmids, they attempt to rescue little sisters and bring them to safety. Possibly the only thing with potential to be stronger than a big daddy in fair combat.
Security: Due to advances in genetic science, some scholars advanced their minds, continuing on to invent many forms of electronically powered security. They are quite crude, due to lack of technological advancement and lack of resources, but still quite effective. Their largest drawback is the ease of hacking. They are able to be hacked by not only accessing their circuits, but through remote hacking darts and even some plasmids. Some of the most common security forces are stationary turrets and mobile bots that fly with a propeller. Due to their ability to fly, mobile bots are much more lightly armed, but still a threat nonetheless. Rarely, a turret may be armed with explosives. Security cameras also exist, but most are controlled by Andrew Ryan. If they were to turn on you for any reason, they are capable of sounding an alarm themselves and summoning flying security bots.[/spoiler]
Bio Page:
"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."
September, 1956
The city of Rapture is booming. Esteemed people's from all around have gathered here, to live a life "free of parasites." The discovery of ADAM allowed for genetic modifications, allowing the residents of Rapture to do many things with ease, like grabbing their plates from the other side of the room, or lighting their fireplace with a snap of their fingers. The people of rapture indulge on these plasmids and gene tonics, and the golden age seems like it will never end.
Late October, 1956.
A large portion of the city has gone dark. Andrew Ryan and his closest followers are isolated on the east side of the city, while most residents live on the west.These two areas are separated by "The Depths", in the middle of Rapture, where horrors that the common people could only imagine lurk. Some, however, have the courage to enter, as ADAM in any form is near nonexistent in safe parts of the city, and therefore extremely valuable. Due to the danger of The Depths and the cutoff of electricity and most bathysphere travel, any messages from Andrew Ryan are delivered by Couriers, brave soldiers who take orders directly from Ryan himself, and attempt to keep the people on the west side of Rapture calm. Couriers are often sent every 5 days with updates, and return to Andrew after 2 weeks. The only working Bathysphere to the surface is just inside the west end of the The Depths.
Modifié par Cosmic : 3/16/2016 1:05:59 AM[b]Yavin runs from two Rosie's, he is hit with a chain gun bullet and manages to hide in a broke. Bathysphere, apparently unseen by the two big daddies, marked with banners and colors apposing those of raptures. He waits for them to leave while simletainiously bleeding out as he weakly attempts to shamble toward civilization [/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
[b]Murph meets Jack and the new Courier, who presently has unknown internal injuries, but managed get out thanks to Jack's quick thinking. He calls on anyone who has medical experience to assist with the Courier's injuries, and others to help distribute the supplies that were brought in as well.[/b] [To Jack] "C'mon, we have to get him to the medical wing!" [spoiler]open to all, help out, this is spiraling into more important story happenings down the road.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Jack goes to the area Murph told him about, looking for his target to bring back.[/i][/b]
[b]a strange kid comes flying out of an abandoned building, covered in cuts and bruises and wearing beastly anything other than some grey shorts. [/b] [spoiler]open, character intro[/spoiler]
[b]Sigma walks around d the depths of Rapture looking for a little sister[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Modifié par Murph Tha Smurf : 3/7/2016 9:06:33 PM[b]The loudspeakers in the West End are turned on, and Murph speaks through them.[/b] "Good Citizens of Rapture, if you would give me your attention. We are running short on people brave enough to be Runners. Without Runners, our supply of ADAM and other goods will be cut off. If you would like to inquire about the responsibilities of a Runner, please, come to my office." [spoiler]open to all, any character that has reached west rapture should interact here for continuation.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Jack wanders outside the city. He pulls his machete out of a splicers head, as he loots him and moves on.[/i][/b]
[b]Murph had arrived in the safe area only a day ago. He sat by the window, keeping a careful watch on the bathysphere, and the radio linked to it, so he could communicate with any new people who might come into Rapture.[/b]
[b][i]Jack steps out of his bathysphere, looking around.[/i][/b] "This place is a dump."
[i]West Rapture[/i] [b]The bathysphere from the Depths reactivates, and the door swings open. A man steps out, dressed in an opened brown leather jacket, jeans, brown leather gloves, and combat boots. A pistol and combat knife hangs from his belt. He smiles widely as he steps forward.[/b]
[spoiler]A little info about big daddy's :3 they are normal humans, or ones strengthened by the suit and such, some consumed by ADAM for strength and more but most were and kinda are humans[/spoiler]
Modifié par Kain The Slain : 3/5/2016 3:25:48 AM[i][u]Location: West Rapture[/u][/i] [b]the Bathysphere from the depths is activated. It ascends to the west part of rapture and opens. A loud groan is heard as an Alpha series big daddy steps out[/b]
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