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Modifié par R0meo4125 : 1/25/2016 4:43:57 AM

Would you kindly Explain BioShock infinite Burial at sea ending. (Spoilers)

I have only played infinite and watched some gameplay on Bioshock 1. Not sure what ending means on dlc. I know from sources that the different Elizabeth's in the end of main story are the different types of Elizabeth in different timelines And Elizabeth knows that she has to kill every Comstock because it will bring destruction in future and Dewitt in all of the different doors To prevent either time line. And then the burial at sea came out. Some have said that only reason why Elizabeth of BioShock infinite survived the erasure of that timeline is because of her quantum state like the luttece twins Because of elizabeths missing finger. Then it is revealed in burial at sea ending that in another timeline Dewitt overpowers Comstock and gets Anna(Elizabeth) killed as the tear closes. Then Elizabeth dies in the final cutscene of the dlc but why does she die 2 times in the dlc? Why is her missing finger back? If her Columbia version is dead because of the big daddy and she now has her finger from what timeline is she in if the one she is in is the one where she is already died before she became Elizabeth? So confusing. And who is jack? where did he come from? and why is he a "genetic freak" according to atlas?
#Gaming #Bioshock

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